News Release – December 13, 2016


December 13th 2016, Cranbury, New Jersey, Brilliant Light Power, Inc. announces today the appointment of the Company’s Advisory Board –The Advisory Board consists of senior industry executives and includes Colin Bannon from BT, Bill Maurer from ABM Industries, Ray Gogel, former President of Current Group and US Grid Co., Matt Key, CEO of everynet and three additional executives from Telecoms, Finance and Legal professions.

“We searched extensively to identify Advisors that can help us answer some of the big questions to support our SunCell® commercial launch next year” said Dr. Randell L. Mills, Founder, President and CEO of Brilliant Light Power, Inc. “This is a team of senior executives from future customers, partners and advisory groups that will help us shape what we offer and how we offer it as we prepare to go to market”.

Bill Maurer, SVP from ABM Industries Energy division said “it’s a great opportunity to be part of the team that will launch the technology that will change the way we think about energy in the future”

Matt Key, CEO of everynet said “Brilliant Light Power has put together a very sophisticated advisory group and they have given us some big questions to consider. The SunCell® technology is an incredible invention and we all look forward to helping the Company in achieving its full potential by transforming the worlds energy markets as we know them”

The Advisory Board will meet monthly and will be advising Brilliant Light Power on its the commercial offerings, launch markets, potential customers and organizational structure the Company will employ to deliver them.

About Brilliant Light Power:
Brilliant Light Power, Inc. is developing a new zero-pollution, primary energy source applicable to essentially all power applications wherein the latent energy of the hydrogen atom from water molecules serving as the fuel source is released by forming Hydrinos®, a more stable chemical form of hydrogen. The SunCell® cell was invented by Dr. Mills to release this energy as brilliant light converted directly to electricity using concentrator photovoltaics at an anticipated cost of a small percentage of any competing source of electricity.

Advisory Board

Media Contact:
Lynn Kline, Assistant for Dr. Randell L. Mills
Brilliant Light Power, Inc.
493 Old Trenton Road
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Phone: (609)-490-1090 Ex 125