September 12th, 2017
Society for Cable & Telecoms Engineers Energy 2020 Conference
Dr. Mills’ Presentation SCTE-Energy-2020-web.pdf from the Conference in Denver, CO.
February 28, 2017
Brilliant Light Power Roadshow
Brilliant Light Power presented its Roadshow series event at ABM Industries Irvine, California
[YouTube video]
Dr. Mills’ presentation at ABM Industries on February 28th, 2017
(This file that may take some time to download. Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded here. The videos can be viewed via the external links in the PDF.)
January 2, 2017
Brilliant Light Power’s SunCell® Announced on CNN
CNN’s announcement and anchor commentary of the SunCell®, the world’s new energy source that releases massive power by conversion of hydrogen to dark matter. Youtube Video Link
January 1, 2017
Brilliant Light Power’s SunCell® Announced on CNN International
CNN International’s announcement of the SunCell®, the world’s new energy source that releases massive power by conversion of hydrogen to dark matter. Youtube Video Link
Press Release
November 7, 2016
Business Presentation
November 1, 2016
Business Summary
Business Summary
An overview of Brilliant Light Power’s business, technology and market potential.
November 1, 2016
Overview Business Presentation
Overview Business Presentation
November 1, 2016
Technical Business Summary
October 26, 2016
Brilliant Light Power Industry Day SunCell® Power Source
BrLP Industry Day – October 2016
July 11, 2016
Press Release
January 28 2016
Brilliant Light Power’s January 28, 2016 Fourth Public Demonstration
- 0-38 minutes covers a technology and market overview, theory fundamentals, and a history of the evolution of the power system design.
- 38-53 minutes is a discussion of SunCell design being commercialized, the emission unlike any other light source at hundreds-of-thousands-of-watts power levels and the means to harness it as electrical power.
- 53-58 minutes is the SunCell plasma demonstration showing hundreds of thousands of watts of power of a nature that was previously only observable on the surface of the Sun and stars.
- 58+ minutes returns to SunCell hardware details.
- Q&A starts at 1 hr 27 min with a focus on design implementation.
The demonstration day’s video recording is publicly available at the following link:
Highlights of the Demonstration Day:
November 19, 2015
BlackLight Power, Inc. has changed its name to Brilliant Light Power, Inc.
March 13, 2015
Dr. Mills’ presentation at the Emerald Investment Forum held in Philadelphia on February 5, 2015
March 13, 2015
High-speed (17,791 frames per second) photography of brilliant light-emitting expanding plasma formed from the low voltage, high current detonation of the solid fuel with voltage and current waveforms that show plasma at a time when there was no electrical input power for a fuel having no known energy-releasing chemical reaction. Proof of a new energy source is provided by two otherwise inexplicable observations: (i) The formation of a high-energy hydrogen plasma in the absence of any input electrical power, the nonexistence of any energy releasing chemistry with this fuel, and the further impossibility of known chemistry of this high energy. (ii) The emission of soft X-ray radiation at a voltage far less than that of the light energy produced and the inability of any known chemistry to release such high energy.
March 11, 2015
English translation of an article that appeared in Natutech in 2005. This article is relevant to today in that it discusses the proof of a new energy source by two otherwise inexplicable observations: (i) the format of a high-energy hydrogen plasma in the absence of any input electrical power or any known chemistry at the required energy level, and (ii) the emission of soft X-ray radiation at a voltage far less than that of the light energy and the inability of any known chemistry to release such high energy. BrLP’s SunCell demonstrates the same characteristics as the experiments discussed in this article, but at millions of times the power density. Note: is the Dutch New Scientist website. English Translator: Bob Kelly, 2015 Original version.
September 3, 2014
On September 2, 2014 Brilliant Light Power (formerly BlackLight Power) closed on $5 M in private equity financing. On July 31, 2014, Brilliant Light Power closed on $11 M in private equity financing that was oversubscribed by $1 M. Both financings were under the same terms.
August 2014
Electrochemical and Thermal Presentation
Electrochemical and Thermal Presentation
August 13, 2014
Brilliant Light Power vigorously disputes the allegations of fraud by certain anonymous Wikipedia editors, and has announced intentions to proceed legally against individuals and entities that assert these false allegations. To this end, it has recently filed a defamation action in New Jersey, see: NJ Civil Case Information Statement. The BlackLight Power Inc. Wikipedia page was amended with the notification of the filing of the defamation suit that was promptly removed in conflict with the rules Wikipedia claims that it adheres to. The Wikipedia page prior to being censored by an anonymous Wikipedia editor can be found at this link: Wikipedia PDF
July 29, 2014
Dr. Mills July 29th interview with Sterling Allan and co-host John Maguire, the host of Greater Things on the Rense Radio Network.
Hydrino Theory – The BlackLight Process
The stunning discovery of a 3.5 keV X-ray peak observed in the Perseus Cluster by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and by the XMM- Newton that has no match to any known atomic transition was recently announced by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and NASA. The 3.5 keV feature assigned to dark matter of unknown identity by the discoverers matches a strong hydrino transition and further confirms hydrinos as the identity of dark matter.
July 25, 2014
Third Public Demonstration – July 21st, 2014
On July 21st, Brilliant Light Power performed its third preannounced public demonstration of its breakthrough technology to a group of distinguished attendees that spanned the spectrum of professionals. Specific events included: ignition of H2O-based solid fuel in air and argon atmospheres, calorimetric energy balance determination under argon, EUV spectroscopy of the hydrogen transitions to hydrinos, theory, technical, engineering, and commercialization presentations, and live demonstrations of Brilliant Light Power’s Third Generation SunCell™ with Photovoltaic Conversion of Light to Electricity. The main engineering aspects of the presentation were the complete system design and a unit that demonstrated those elements of the fast ignition and regeneration as well as optical distribution and photovoltaic conversion systems. A question and answer session was held with participation by three validators: a materials expert, an energetic materials and spectroscopy expert, and a defense company licensee.
The videos are publicly available for viewing on the Demonstrations Page or at the following links:
Part 1: Demonstation July 21
Part 2: Demonstation July 21
July 25, 2014
Generation Three SunCell run at Engineering Firm facility on July 25th, 2014
July 21, 2014
The full set of slides from the July 21, 2014 live demonstration are now available. Please note this is a large file with embedded videos and may take some time to load. To view the videos from a Mac, click on the link in Safari, and after the download is complete, select “Export to PDF” under the File menu and save the pdf to the Desktop (or folder of your choosing). Then open the saved file located on your computer in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
July 21, 2014 Demonstration
An abbreviated version of the presentation, without video, is also available.
July 8, 2014
Dr. Mills was interviewed by Sterling Allan, the host of Greater Things on the Rense Radio Network.
June 25, 2014
Demonstrations Brilliant Light Power’s June 25, 2014 Public DemonstrationOn June 25th, Brilliant Light Power performed its second preannounced public demonstration of its breakthrough technology to a group of distinguished attendees that spanned the spectrum of professionals. Specific events included: ignition of H2O-based solid fuel, calorimetric energy balance determination, EUV spectroscopy of the hydrogen transitions to hydrinos, theory, technical, engineering, and commercialization presentations, Brilliant Light Power’s Electricity-Generation Demonstration of Automated Ignition System of Vibratory Conveyor-Fed H2O-Based Solid Fuel Powder, Brilliant Light Power’s Demonstration of Automated Ignition System of Auger-Fed H2O-Based Solid Fuel Powder that was repeated with Photovoltaic Conversion of Light to Electricity, and question and answer sessions with participation by two validators including a defense company licensee.
The videos are publicly available for viewing at the following links:
Part 1: Demonstation June 25
Part 2: Demonstation June 25
June 20, 2014
Brilliant Light Power’s Electricity-Generation Test of Automated Ignition System of Vibratory Conveyor-Fed H2O-Based Solid Fuel Powder
A very small quantity of highly conductive H2O-based solid fuel powder was loaded in to a hopper and fed into a vibratory conveyor overhead of rollers electrodes that were electrified with about 5V, 20,000A. The high current flow ignited the fuel to produce 0.5 ms pulses of brilliant light-emitting plasma having power and power densities as high as one million watts and 100 billion watts per liter, respectively. The optical power of the white light having the same temperature as the Sun was converted to electricity using commercial solar cells surrounding the plasma, and the power was conditioned/leveled with capacitor storage.

June 9, 2014
Brilliant Light Power’s Third Test of Automated Ignition System of Auger-Fed H2O-Based Solid Fuel Powder
A very small quantity of highly conductive H2O-based solid fuel powder was loaded in to a hopper and gravity fed into the three-times faster auger, overhead of the rollers that were electrified with about 5V, 15,000A. The high current flow ignited the gravity fed fuel to produce 0.5 ms pulses of brilliant light having power and power densities of one million watts and 100 billion watts per liter, respectively. White light shows that the plasma is the same temperature as the Sun. The optical power can be converted to electricity using commercially available solar cells. See other posted electricity producing demonstration videos.

June 5, 2014
Brilliant Light Power’s Electricity-Generation Test of Automated Ignition System of Auger-Fed H2O-Based Solid Fuel Powder
A very small quantity of highly conductive H2O-based solid fuel powder was loaded in to a hopper and gravity fed into an auger overhead of rollers electrodes that were electrified with about 5V, 20,000A. The high current flow ignited the gravity fed fuel to produce 0.5 ms pulses of brilliant light-emitting plasma having power and power densities of one million watts and 100 billion watts per liter, respectively. The optical power of the white light having the same temperature as the Sun was converted to electricity using commercial solar cells surrounding the plasma.

May 23, 2014
Brilliant Light Power’s Second Test of Automated Ignition System of Auger-Fed H2O-Based Solid Fuel Powder
A very small quantity of highly conductive H2O-based solid fuel powder was loaded in to a hopper and gravity fed into the auger overhead of the rollers that were electrified with about 5V, 15,000A. The high current flow ignited the gravity fed fuel to produce 0.5 ms pulses of brilliant light having power and power densities of one million watts and 100 billion watts per liter, respectively. White light shows that the plasma is the same temperature as the Sun. The optical power can be converted to electricity using commercially available solar cells. See other posted electricity producing demonstration videos.
This video is also available on the official
BrLP YouTube channel.
May 22, 2014
BrLP First Test of Automated Ignition System with Trace-Flow of H2O-based Solid Fuel Powder.
May 13, 2014
Solid fuel validation reports by Dr. Nick Glumac and Dr. Gilbert Crouse, Jr.
May 2, 2014
Electricity generation tests using new Brilliant Light Power’s new H2O-based solid fuel.
May 2, 2014
Brilliant Light Power tests a new more powerful H2O-based solid fuel.
April 3, 2014
Brilliant Light Power has developed and successfully tested a prototype electric power system that intermittently produced millions of watts of power with sequential ignition of H2O-based solid fuel pellets. The conversion of optical power to electricity was achieved using commercial solar cells as demonstrated by powering a lighting array.[Electricity Video]
April 3, 2014
Press Release:
Brilliant Light Power, Inc. announces sustained production of electricity using photovoltaic conversion of the millions of watts of brilliant plasma formed by the reaction of water to a more stable form of hydrogen. [Electricity Video]
March 4, 2014
Dr. Randell Mills presented at the Princeton Harvard Club as a part of the Prettybrook Speaker Series on Sunday, March 3, 2014.
January 29, 2014
On January 28, Brilliant Light Power performed the preannounced public demonstration of its breakthrough technology to a group of distinguished attendees that spanned the spectrum of professionals. Validations were performed by leading academic experts reports with resumes.
January 14, 2014
Press Release
Brilliant Light Power, Inc. Announces the Achievement of the Generation of Millions of Watts of Power from the Conversion of Water Fuel to a New Form of Hydrogen. In addition to its breakthrough plasma and plasma to electricity producing SF-CIHT cell, BrLP announces independent, offsite validation of its electrochemical cell.[Enser report; Copeland report] and solid fuels technologies [DSC report]
May 22, 2012
Press Release: Brilliant Light Power, Inc. Announces Leading Experts Validate the Production of Electricity from the Conversion of Water Vapor Fuel to a New Form of Hydrogen- Six studies by academic and industry experts validate breakthrough non-polluting energy source based on Hydrino theory