Review by Dr. Farrell

Dr. John J. Farrell is Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, Franklin & Marshall College

Review of “The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Quantum Mechanics” by Randell L. Mills

The grand unified theory of classical quantum mechanics proposed by Dr. Randell L. Mills is breathtaking and powerful. Mills has successfully unified electrodynamics and gravity by applying Maxwell’s equations, Newton’s laws, and Einstein’s special and general relativity with his exceptionally creative and quantitative mind.

Mills begins his theory by developing an entirely new description of the electron in the hydrogen atom (using Maxwell’s equations). Unlike standard quantum mechanics, which describes the electron as a point particle, Mills finds that the electron is an infinite number great circles that comprise the surface of a sphere at the Bohr radius. The sum of the masses of all of the great circles is equal to the mass of one electron. Similarly, the sum of charges of all of the great circles is equal to the charge of one electron. After solving for the energy, the angular velocity and the radius of the electron (great circles), Mills derives the correct value for the angular momentum of the electron, h/2?. This is astonishing because theoreticians gave up on associating any systematic motion of the electron with its known angular momentum decades ago—hence, the term intrinsic spin angular momentum. Amazingly, Mills goes on to derive, using the same motion of the electron— but now considering its charge, the correct magnetic field and value of the magnetic moment of the electron. The chances of deriving the correct values for both the angular momentum and the magnetic moment of the electron without the correct motion of the electron is, quite frankly, zero. Mills must have the correct motion of the electron in the hydrogen atom. Armed with this knowledge, he then derives the values of all of the known physical parameters of the hydrogen atom.

The fun does not stop there. Mills goes on to derive hundreds of physical parameters, such as the masses of leptons, quarks, and gluons. He makes predictions for many aspects of nature for which we do not have known values and for which the predicted values are unanticipated: the acceleration of the expansion of the cosmos; the existence of old galaxies at the beginning of the current cosmological expansion; the maximum and minimum radii of the universe and how long it takes to complete one cycle—about 1,000 billion years to go from minimum to maximum and back to minimum again. He not only predicts fractional quantum states for the hydrogen atom (n = 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, …), he has identified the extreme ultraviolet spectral lines that result from their formation in hydrogen/helium plasmas.

Mills’ grand unified theory of classical quantum mechanics explains the answers to some very old scientific questions, such as ‘what happens to a photon upon absorption’ and some very modern ones, such as ‘what is dark matter.’ His theory explains why the Sun’s corona is so hot (>1,000,000 K) in spite of the fact that Sun’s surface is so cool (6,000 K). Astounding.

What does all of this mean to the average person? A lot. The technology that ensues from Mills’ theory will change almost every facet of life for everyone on the planet. The most immediate change will be in how we produce and use energy. The obtainable energies from the catalytic formation of fractional quantum states of hydrogen are intermediate between normal chemical energies and nuclear energies. The advantage here is that the fuel is abundant, non-polluting hydrogen. Scientists, engineers, and economists have touted the hydrogen economy for several decades. Little did they know that it would take the form of catalytically converting hydrogen to lower energy states of hydrogen! Truly, reality is stranger than fiction. The possibilities of this one aspect, energy production, boggle the mind. Furthermore, lower energy hydrogen will double (quadruple?) known chemistry. These smaller-than-normal hydrogen atoms should form chemical bonds that are two to ten times stronger than any known chemical bond. Imagine the strong fibers, the hard surfaces, the materials that will last for decades or centuries without corrosion, the extremely high-voltage batteries that will be possible—all made with the light element hydrogen. Have I mentioned the implications of correctly understanding gravity?

Lastly, Mills has made an extremely important contribution to the philosophy of science. He has reestablished cause and effect as the basic principle of science. Probability and chance will still rule at Las Vegas and Atlantic City, but not in the laboratory. Einstein would be pleased.

Dr. John J. Farrell
3159 Williams Road
The Villages, FL 32162