Partial List of Physical Phenomena Solved by Classical Physics.
- Stability of the atom to radiation
- Magnetic moment of a Bohr magneton and relativistic invariance of each of e/me of the electron, the electron angular momentum of ℏ, and the electron magnetic moment of µB from the spin angular momentum
- De Broglie relationship
- Stern Gerlach experiment
- Electron and muon g factors
- Rotational energies and momenta
- Reduced electron mass
- Ionization energies of multi-electron atoms
- Special relativistic effects
- Excited states
- Resonant line width and shape
- Selection rules
- State Lifetimes and line intensities
- Correspondence principle
- Orbital and spin splitting
- Stark effect
- Lamb Shift
- Knight shift
- Spin-orbit coupling (fine structure)
- Spin-nuclear coupling (hyperfine structure)
- Hyperfine structure interval of muonium
- Nature of the free electron
- Nature of the photon
- Photoelectric effect
- Compton effect
- Wave-particle duality
- Double-slit experiment for photons and electrons
- Davisson Germer experiment
- Elastic electron scattering from helium atoms
- Ionization energies of multielectron atoms
- Hydride ion binding energy and absolute NMR shift
- Hydride lattice parameters and energies
- Excited states of the helium atom with singlet and triplet vector diagrams
- Proton scattering from atomic hydrogen
- Nature of the chemical bond
- Bond energies, vibrational energies, rotational energies, bond distances, magnetic moment and fields of hydrogen-type molecules and molecular ions, absolute NMR shift of
- Molecular Ion and Molecular Excited States
- Parameters of polyatomic molecules
- Superconductivity and Josephson junction experiments
- Integral and fractional quantum Hall effects
- Aharonov-Bohm effect
- Aspect experiment
- Durr experiment on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- Penning trap experiments on single ions
- Mobility of free electrons in superfluid helium
- Gravitational behavior of neutrons
- Hyperfine structure interval of positronium
- Structure of nucleons
- Magnetic moments of the nucleons
- Beta decay energy of the neutron
- Binding energy of deuterium
- Alpha decay
- Nature of neutrinos
- Proton radius puzzle
Partial List of Particle and Cosmological Phenomena Solved by Classical Physics.
- Equivalence of the inertial and gravitational masses
- Newton’s second law
- Deflection of light by stars
- Precession of the perihelion of Mercury
- Lepton masses
- Quark masses
- Boson masses
- Hubble constant
- Age of the universe
- Observed acceleration of the expansion
- Absence of antimatter
- Absence of a Big Bang origin of the Universe
- Identity of dark matter
- Identity of UV crisis/Cosmic EUV continuum emission
- Identity of the Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs)
- Origin of hot interstellar medium
- Solar corona temperature problem
- Power of the universe
- Power spectrum of the universe
- Microwave background temperature
- Uniformity of the microwave background radiation
- Microkelvin spatial variation of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)
- Polarization of the CMBR data
- Observed violation of the GZK cutoff
- Mass density of the universe
- Web-like, large scale structure of the universe