Plasma Videos – Archive

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December 17, 2021
TPV-SunCell® Test
This concentrator thermophotovoltaic SunCell® (cTPV-SunCell) comprises a plasma cell that injects hydrogen and catalyst, and two electromagnetic pumps serve as electrodes by injecting intersecting molten tin streams from corresponding reservoirs wherein the connected streams carry a low voltage, high current to form a Hydrino®-reaction plasma with an energy release of 200 times that of burning the hydrogen that can be obtained from water as a 0.5% parasitic load.

Brilliant Light Power, Inc. has developed a cTPV-SunCell capable of emitting 250 kW of 3000-5000 Kelvin blackbody plasma radiation through a window to be converted by a dense receiver array of concentrator PV cells delivering electrical power output. Infrared light that is PV inactive is reflected to the blackbody plasma, absorbed, and recycled as more blackbody radiation to greatly increase the efficiency up to 85%. Essential to the operation of this cTPV-SunCell® is that the PV window does not metalize, which is the norm for plasmas that comprise metal. As shown in this test, the PV window self-cleans, a major milestone towards power for essentially all power applications with no fuels or grid connection, projected $20/kW cap cost, $0.001 kW/h generation cost with no transmission, distribution, or demand charges, no supply chain issues, and zero pollution including CO2. For a reaction cell chamber temperature greater than 1350 °C and sufficient window solid transmission angle, ray path modeling projects that all of the power can be emitted from the cTPV-SunCell as light. Replacement of the current flat, 8 inch diameter window with a 10 inch diameter domed PV window is planned.

November 12, 2021
November 12th test of Brilliant Light Power steam boiler having commercial packaging. This boiler is planned to be tested in an industry setting as a pilot for commercial thermal and steam applications.

November 9, 2021
TPV SunCell® Run November 9, 2021
Top Window View of dual injected molten metal streams and Hydrino reaction plasma.

November 4, 2021
TPV-SunCell Run – November 4, 2021

September 14, 2021
SUNCELL® Steam Boiler

Brilliant Light Power continues steam boiler tests. A dual molten metal injector cell design is also in development to permit the cell to operate continuously at high power while avoiding melting tungsten and other refractory material components. This boiler is planned to be tested in an industry setting as a pilot for commercial thermal and steam applications.

August 7, 2021
SUNCELL® 120 Hour Steam Boiler Test

Brilliant Light Power has developed a steam boiler capable of 250 kW continuous steam output. The boiler has been equipped with an automated make-up water system allowing the boiler to be tested for over 120 hours. An excerpt of the trial is shown in this video. This boiler is planned to be tested in an industry setting as a pilot for commercial thermal and steam applications.

May 27, 2021
SUNCELL® Steam Boiler

Brilliant Light Power has developed a steam boiler capable of a continuous steam output of 250 kW by integration of the SunCell validated to generate over 250 kW of power ( into a pressure vessel.  Schematics, bills of material, and cost of goods are given in our Business Overview Presentation.  In this video, we show a trial at a power level of 250 kW of superheated steam.  This boiler is planned to be tested in an industry setting as a pilot for commercial thermal and steam applications.

May 21, 2021
BTIG-Sponsored Brilliant Light Power’s Boston Roadshow

BTIG-Sponsored Brilliant Light Power’s Boston Roadshow and Suncell® Demonstrations on May 19-20, recorded at the end of the event for public release.

May 10, 2021
SUNCELL® Steam Boiler

Brilliant Light Power has developed a steam boiler capable of a continuous steam output of 250 kW by integration of the SunCell validated to generate over 250 kW of power  into a pressure vessel.  Schematics, bills of material, and cost of goods are given in our Business Overview Presentation.  In this video, we show the first run at a power level of 150 kW wherein the steam pressure was controlled by changing the variable size of the output aperture.  This boiler is planned to be tested in an industry setting as a pilot for commercial thermal and steam applications.

April 5, 2021
SUNCELL® Plasma TPV Test

The photovoltaic (PV) conversion of white light from the hydrino plasma emission of a SunCell was converted into electricity as a small-scale pilot of the thermophotovoltaic-SunCell electrical power system described in our Business Overview PDF.  The light was attenuated and collated to avoid saturation of a solar cell that power a diode light shown at the top and right, respectively.

March 4, 2021
SUNCELL® ThermoPhotovoltaic (TPV) Window Tests

The photovoltaic (PV) conversion efficiency of light into electricity is known to increase with blackbody temperature and light intensity or concentration. Plasma is a blackbody with the highest possible emissivity, it emits and absorbs light with essentially 100% efficiency. Moreover, the Hydrino reaction plasma has a very high temperature. It is capable of a sustained temperature as high as that of the surface of the Sun, 5800K. The corresponding blackbody radiation power at this temperature is an astonishing 64 MW per square meter. With light recycling, even 3000K plasma emission has an energy spectrum and intensity suitable for PV conversion into electricity at a projected high efficiency of over 80%. These high-speed videos are successful tests of a window enabling of the direct conversion of extremely high-power visible light1 emitted by the Hydrino reaction plasma directly into electricity by making it incident on a PV dense receiver array. Due to the 100% infrared absorption efficiency of the plasma, infrared light is recycled to achieve very high efficiency. Recent TPV developments have dramatically changed the prospects for near term, autonomous, pollution-free, inexpensive SunCell® electrical power for essentially all power applications.

1 The light intensity is highly attenuated to avoid saturation of the camera to enable viewing the structure and dynamics of the Hydrino reaction plasma. Two videos are presented, aperture closed followed by aperture partially open.

March 1, 2021

We have improved the refractory liner and increased the operating temperature of the SunCell® validated by Dr. Mark Nansteel that was reported in the post of December 18, 2020. The 100 kW hydrino power was measured by Dr. Nansteel using the weight of steam produced over a test period by the SunCell® operated under continuous commercial power generation conditions. By the same method, the total output power increased to 250 kW at the higher operating temperature.

March 1, 2021
SunCell Power Demonstrations at the Homer Building in Washington DC.

On February 4 and 5th, we demonstrated to about 200 people from academia, business, media, and political fields, the continuous production of about 150,000W of steam by our breakthrough Hydrino primary power source. An expert presented his validation results of 100,000W of continuous steam production by the corresponding SunCell which harnesses hydrino power […​]. In six out of six live demonstrations, the SunCell performed flawlessly, continuously producing about 150 kW of superheated steam as shown in these exemplary video excepts.

December 10, 2020
Validation and Preparation for Public Demonstrations.

November 18, 2020
The SunCell® at the 100-hour mark of a 100-hour trial.

October 24, 2020
Industry Demonstration Days Concurrently Running Suncell® Stations

Click image to view the videos.

October 16, 2020

Click image to view the videos.

October 8, 2020
SUNCELL® 24th Hour of 100-Hour Trial in Progress

We have developed a new zero-pollution, primary energy source applicable to essentially all power applications. The theoretically predicted energy breakthrough is based on reacting atomic hydrogen with a catalyst to cause the atom’s electron to transition to a lower-energy orbital forming Hydrino®, a more stable chemical form of hydrogen that we have isolated and characterized by multiple spectroscopies. The proprietary SunCell® validated by experts at a scale of 300 kW comprises a hydrogen and catalyst injector and an electromagnetic pump that serves as an electrode that further injects molten gallium against a counter electrode to form a Hydrino®-reaction plasma with an energy release of 200 times that of burning the hydrogen obtained from water. We have Hydrino® “In a bottle” and spectroscopic methods achieved that identify Hydrino® in a dispositive manner by characteristic signatures that do not match any other known species. Patents are issued worldwide.

We are currently running a series of internal thermal power field trials in preparation for deploying SunCells® to commercial customers to perform field trials in their facilities. Our first market objective is the $8T/y thermal market, then the electrical market, achieved by mating the SunCell to a gas heat exchanger and a microturbine. In addition to the water-based coolant system in test, we are currently working on a molten gallium to air heat exchanger with a large heat exchanger manufacturer. The ability to produce variable temperature air from 100°C to 800°C will enable us to serve the balance of thermal markets as well as power the microturbine. Following field trials, we plan to make the clean, inexpensive power widely available by outsourcing manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of the SunCells® provided under a power generator lease.

We show in in this video the SunCell® at the 24-hour mark of a 100-hour trial in progress. It is very powerful with steam production so great that there is no water agitation needed or applied to achieve the required high heat transfer. The SunCell® meets our performance goal of ¼ megawatt of Hydrino® generated power at over 10-times power gain relative to the ignition power to maintain the Hydrino® reaction.

More details on our new proprietary 100% pollution and CO2-free power source are given in our Business Overview Presentation.

October 1, 2020

On September 24th, we started a 100-hour duration field trial of our new 250-kW thermal reactor SunCell® having a molten gallium to water heat transfer system to produce boiling water and steam on a continuous basis. In preparation for deploying SunCells to commercial customers to perform field trials in their facilities, we are testing commercial power levels under commercial operating conditions with start-stop, power control, cooling level, reaction condition, and other tests. A real time excerpt of the trial that is still in progress is shown in this video wherein we are testing dynamic control of power by controlling our breakthrough innovation of a means to condition the inflowing reactants such that they are in an equivalent chemical state as that of being at extremely high temperature. Other conditions such as plasma ignition power, hydrogen flow rate, and other parameters were maintained constant compared to the run posted on September 30th []. Even though the reaction appears very energetic, the SunCell® is very safe with the reactor pressure at less than 1% that of atmospheric pressure. No prior known chemical energy releasing reaction is possible. The power is proven to be from hydrino production at 200 times the energy of burning hydrogen by gas chromatography, EPR, XPS, Raman spectroscopy, and other analytical analyses.

Our first market objective is the $8T/y thermal market. More details on our new proprietary 100% pollution and CO2-free power source are given in our Business Overview Presentation [].

September 30, 2020
SUNCELL® Third Internal Field Trial

We are developing a new patented power source based on injecting and reacting atomic hydrogen with a catalyst to form a more stable chemical state hydrogen gas call hydrino that we have isolated and characterized by multiple spectroscopies and analytical methodologies. Due to the hydrino product being 200 times more stable than water, water may serve as the source of hydrogen fuel in a proprietary SunCell® power cell. Since the internal field trial of September 22nd, we have designed, engineered, and built a larger diameter SunCell® with increased surface area in contact with a water bath to increase the heat transfer to the bath directly from the reaction cell chamber. This in turn reduced the wall operating temperature to reduce the thermal shock and high-temperature capacity of an internal liner. New materials were tested that reduce the cost to manufacture. The new design also prevents undesirable steam blanketing of the outer cell wall to provide reliable stable steady state heat transfer. The ability to reduce the cell internal operating temperature further improves the lifetime of the cell which should be years. This reaction temperature reduction was achieved without sacrificing high kinetics, power, and gain as previously encountered due to the successful implementation of the two breakthrough innovations of (i) a means to condition the inflowing reactants such that they are in an equivalent chemical state as that of being at extremely high temperature, and (ii) a means to suppress hydrino product inhibition. On September 24th, we started a third internal field trial of our new 250-kW thermal reactor SunCell® having a molten gallium to water heat transfer system to produce boiling water and steam on a continuous basis for a long duration run. A real time excerpt of the trial that is still in progress is shown in this video. We plan to run for 100 hours in preparation for deploying SunCells to commercial customers to perform field trials in their facilities. Our first market objective is the $8T/y thermal market.

More details on our new proprietary 100% pollution and CO2-free power source are given in our Business Overview Presentation.[].

September 22, 2020
SUNCELL® Second Internal Field Trial

We are developing a new patented power source based on injecting and reacting atomic hydrogen with a catalyst to form a more stable chemical state hydrogen gas call hydrino that we have isolated and characterized by multiple spectroscopies and analytical methodologies. On September 15th we showed the first internal field trial of our 250-kW SunCell® thermal reactor with a molten gallium to water heat transfer system to produce boiling water and steam on a continuous basis for the planned 45-minute duration of the trial. This trial demonstrated the successful implementation of the two breakthrough innovations of (i) a means to condition the inflowing reactants of hydrogen gas and trace oxygen gas to form atomic hydrogen fuel and nascent water molecules, not hydrogen bonded to one another that serve as catalyst to accept a resonant transfer of energy from atomic hydrogen to form hydrinos at 200 times the energy release compared to burning the hydrogen, and (ii) a means to suppress hydrino product inhibition. On September 18th we ran four SunCells® simultaneously comprising a second internal field trial of our 250-kW thermal reactor with a molten gallium to water heat transfer system to produce boiling water and steam on a continuous basis. Three SunCells® were run for the planned 60-minute duration, and another was run for the planned 120-minute duration. A real time 5-minute excerpt of one run is shown in this video. Inspection of the SunCells following the run showed that they were in mint condition and ready for the next trials. We plan to run a series of internal field trials in preparation for deploying SunCells to commercial customers to perform field trials in their facilities. Our first market objective is the thermal market, then the electrical market, achieved by mating the SunCell to a gas heat exchanger and a microturbine. In addition to the presented water-based coolant system, we are currently working on a molten gallium to air heat exchanger with a large heat exchanger manufacturer. The ability to produce variable temperature air from 100°C to 800°C will enable us to serve the balance of thermal markets as well as power the microturbine. Following field trials, we plan to make the clean, inexpensive power widely available by outsourcing manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of the SunCells provided under a power generator lease.

More details on commercial engineering of the molten metal heat exchanger, the gas turbine power system and also our vastly superior proprietary magnetohydrodynamic power conversion system to ultimately supplant mechanical electrical power conversion are given in our Business Overview Presentation [].

September 14, 2020
SUNCELL® First Internal Field Trial

We are developing a new patented power source based on injecting and reacting atomic hydrogen with a catalyst to form a more stable chemical state hydrogen gas call hydrino that we have isolated and characterized by multiple spectroscopies and analytical methodologies. We have previously reported and independently validated power pulses as high as 20 MW with a power gain of 250 times from a 10-microliter shot comprising molten silver and a hydrino reaction mixture ( Years of development and engineering on a closed reactor capable of commercial operation culminated in the SunCell® wherein the hydrino reaction kinetics and power are boosted by many orders of magnitude by the further injection of a molten gallium metal while applying a very high ignition current at relatively unsubstantial voltages. The power has been validated by leading experts at the 340,000 W level for high temperature operation absent cooling which limited the run duration. About a year ago today, we showed the SunCell running continuously generating steam in a large tank, but the cooling effect of the water significantly reduced the kinetics of the reaction. Two more innovations were necessary to achieve the targeted high power, power density, and gain while under dynamic cooling, to realize the potential of the hydrino-based power source to displace old technologies such as fossil fuels and new technologies such as solar and wind that have significant limitations relative to fire. The current SunCell power density of over 5 MW/liter surpasses that of fossil fuels with a capability of autonomous deployment independent of an electrical grid and fuel infrastructure. Moreover, there is no fuels cost, no pollution whatsoever, and a capital cost of a small fraction that of any other power source.

We show here the success implementation of the two breakthrough innovations of (i) a means to condition the inflowing reactants of hydrogen gas and trace oxygen gas to form atomic hydrogen fuel and nascent water molecules, not hydrogen bonded to one another that serve as catalyst to accept a resonant transfer of energy from atomic hydrogen to form hydrinos at 200 times the energy release compared to burning the hydrogen, and (ii) a means to suppress hydrino product inhibition. Specifically, we ran the first internal field trial of our 250-kW thermal reactor with a molten gallium to water heat transfer system to produce boiling water and steam on a continuous basis for the planned 45-minute duration of the trial. A real time excerpt of 20% of the run time is shown in this video. Inspection of the SunCell following the run showed that it was in mint condition and ready for the next trial. We plan to run a series of internal field trials in preparation for deploying SunCells to commercial customers to perform field trials in their facilities. Our first market objective is the thermal market, then the electrical market, achieved by mating the SunCell to a gas heat exchanger and a microturbine. In addition to the presented water-based coolant system, we are currently working on a molten gallium to air heat exchanger with a large heat exchanger manufacturer. The ability to produce variable temperature air from 100°C to 800°C will enable us to serve the balance of thermal markets as well as power the microturbine. Following field trials, we plan to make the clean, inexpensive power widely available by outsourcing manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of the SunCells provided under a power generator lease.

More details on commercial engineering of the molten metal heat exchanger, the gas turbine power system and also our vastly superior proprietary magnetohydrodynamic power conversion system to ultimately supplant mechanical electrical power conversion are given in our Business Overview Presentation [].

August 28, 2020
SUNCELL® Product Ascending

We tested the SunCell® with a commercial-scale molten gallium to water heat exchanger for the first time. The hydrino reaction kinetics increase non-linearly with cell operating temperature. The SunCell® reactor wall in contact with water limits the reaction temperature and power. We invented a solution wherein we achieved a gain of over ten times the input power at greater than 250 kW excess power and a corresponding extraordinary power density of over 5 MW/liter under relatively mild conditions. We show here a time-lapsed video of a continuous 20-minute duration test wherein the heat exchanger performed flawlessly. The results of these trials demonstrate the utility of the SunCell® towards the goal of a commercial heater of several hundred kilowatts to service the greater than $8T/y thermal market. We plan to build upon this system to develop a thermal generator suitable for early field trials of a hot water heater and then a pressurized steam boiler. We are also developing a molten gallium to air heat exchanger that can power thermal loads, and additionally serve as the power source of a Brayton cycle microturbine to generate electricity.

More details on commercial engineering of the molten metal heat exchanger, the gas turbine power system and also magnetohydrodynamic power conversion are given in our Business Overview Presentation [].

August 15, 2020
SUNCELL®Power Gain 10+

We are engineering commercial thermal and electrical power sources wherein the SunCell® operates at high-temperature capable of providing 1000 °C liquid gallium to a liquid-gallium-to-air heat exchanger to generate high temperature air for thermal loads and also power a Brayton cycle turbine to generate electrical power. We successfully tested an upgraded system to supply a more ideal hydrino reaction mixture that has pushed our gain to over ten times the input power at greater than 250 kW excess power and a corresponding power density of over 5 MW/liter. The results of these trials demonstrate the utility of SunCell® towards the goal of a commercial heater of several hundred kilowatts to service the greater than $8T/y thermal market and enable the integration of the heat exchanger into a Brayton cycle to produce electricity to service the electrical market. More details on commercial engineering of the molten metal heat exchanger, the gas turbine power system and also magnetohydrodynamic power conversion are given in our Business Overview Presentation. Video except of operating SunCell® [link].

View the video of the SunCell® on YouTube, or Vimeo.

June 6, 2020
One Hundred (100) Hour Duration SUNCELL® RUN

We are working on engineering commercial heater and electrical power sources and have developed an array of water-cooling jets to permit the SunCell® to run long durations. On top of the previous 56 hour run time (post of May 21st and June 1st) , the SunCell® was operated for an additional 48 hours to complete the duration goal of over 100 hours of operation. Except for some corrosion of the top flange bolts due to using tap water as the coolant water during the run, the SunCell® remained in mint condition throughout.

Specifically, the SunCell® was submersed in an 850-liter tap water tank that was initially at room temperature. The SunCell® molten gallium internal temperature remained steady at about 500°C which is a typical operating temperature of a steam turbine power plant. The manifold of water jets maintained a stable external cell temperature while avoidance of localized hot spot formation on the walls was solved using a ceramic liner. The run duration was extended to 104 hours to compete the continuous operation duration trial. The limiting thermal tolerance of the water tank was avoided by using an external chiller and by exchanging hot water with cold water from another tank. The results of these trials demonstrate the utility of SunCell® towards the goal of a commercial heater of several hundred kilowatts to service the greater than $8T/y thermal market.

View the video of the SunCell® 24 hour run on YouTube, or Vimeo.

June 1, 2020
PLUS-Thirty-Two (32) Hour Duration SUNCELL® RUN

We are working on engineering commercial heater and electrical power sources and have developed an array of water-cooling jets to permit the SunCell® to run long durations. The 24-hour duration run (post of May 21st) was stopped, and the SunCell® was examined and then put back into operation. It was continuously operated for an additional 32 hours and turned off for the weekend. Except for some corrosion of the top flange bolts due to using tap water as the coolant water during the run, the SunCell® remained in mint condition throughout.
Specifically, the SunCell® was submersed in an 850-liter tap water tank that was initially at room temperature. The SunCell® molten gallium internal temperature remained steady at about 500°C which is a typical operating temperature of a steam turbine power plant. The manifold of water jets maintained a stable external cell temperature while avoidance of localized hot spot formation on the walls was solved using a ceramic liner. The run duration was extended by an additional 32 hours on top of the preceding 24-hour duration run. The limiting thermal tolerance of the water tank was avoided by using an external chiller and by exchanging hot water with cold water from another tank. The results of these trials demonstrate the utility of SunCell® towards the goal of a commercial heater of several hundred kilowatts to service the greater than $8T/y thermal market.

View the video of the SunCell® 24 hour run on YouTube, or Vimeo.

May 23, 2020

The SunCell® was submersed in an 850-liter deionized water tank that was initially at room temperature. The SunCell® molten gallium internal temperature remained steady at about 500°C which is a typical operating temperature of a steam turbine power plant. A manifold of water jets maintained a stable external cell temperature while avoidance of localized hot spot formation on the walls was solved using a ceramic liner. The run duration was extended to twenty-four hours while avoiding the limiting thermal tolerance of the water tank by exchanging hot water with cold water from another tank. The SunCell® engineering issues are largely solved towards the goal of a commercial heater of several hundred kilowatts to service the greater than $8T/y thermal market.

View the video of the SunCell® 24 hour run on YouTube, or Vimeo.

May 22, 2020
Isolation and Identification of Molecular Hydrino Gas Directly from SUNCELL® Gas Using a Cryopump

H2(1/4) gas was collected from a SunCell® operated at a cell pressure of 10-20 Torr over 100s using a valved microchamber connected to the vacuum line and cooled to 10.5 K by a cryopump system (Helix Corp., CTI-Cryogenics Model SC compressor; TRI-Research Model T-2000D-IEEE controller; Helix Corp., CTI-Cryogenics model 22 cryodyne). The SunCell® comprised a Type 347 stainless steel (SS) cylindrical tube measuring 7.3 cm ID, 19.7 cm in height, and 0.635 cm thick with 3.17 mm thick boron nitride (99%) liner and incorporating a 0.9 kg internal mass of liquid gallium wherein the gas flow rates were 2500 sccm H2/50 sccm O2, and the ignition current was 1500 A. Argon and trace oxygen were flowed before the reaction was initiated to serve as a solvent for hydrino gas H2(1/4).

The liquefied gas was warmed to room temperature to achieve 23 Torr chamber pressure and was injected into an HP 5890 Series II gas chromatograph with a capillary column (Agilent molecular sieve 5 Å, (50 m x 0.32, df = 30 μm) at 303 K (30 °C), argon carrier gas, and a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) at 60 °C.

Read the entire post.

View the video: Isolation and Identification of Molecular Hydrino Gas Directly from SunCell® Gas Using a Cryopump YouTube, or Vimeo.

April 6, 2020

Brilliant Light Power’s (BrLP) SunCell® has been validated to produce power at the 340,000W level corresponding to a remarkable power density of 5,000,000W/liter. The revenue potential for some large thermal markets is about $1 per watt per year corresponding to hundreds of thousands of dollars of annual revenue from a cell that costs under $1000 and uses the hydrogen from water as fuel with no pollution production at all. In the formation of the so-called Hydrino product comprising a more stable form of molecular hydrogen, two hundred times more energy is released than that released in alternatively burning the hydrogen fuel. A prime entry target market of BrLP is the $8.3T/y thermal market. We are testing thermal cooling systems such as the impinging water jets shown in this time-lapsed expert of a test wherein a design is run for about an hour before the next cooling-design iteration is tested. BrLP has recently engaged an expert thermal engineering company to assist in producing a heater to lease to the commercial thermal power market on a per diem basis.

View the real-time video of the SunCell® Heater Engineering on YouTube, or Vimeo.

November 12, 2019
Hydrino Gas From SUNCELL®

Molecular hydrino was directly identified in the gas from the SunCell®. To remove the high masking background from hydrogen that floods the gas chromatograph, we used argon as a selective solvent for hydrino, allowed the gas to vaporize, and injected the gas on a chromatographic column with argon as the carrier gas. The molecular hydrino peak was early relative to the hydrogen peak demonstrating that molecular hydrino has a faster migration time than hydrogen. See attached slide. No prior known gas has a faster migration time and a higher thermal conductivity than hydrogen and helium which is characteristic of and identifies molecular hydrino. Molecular hydrino is also observed by heating a thin film of gallium oxide formed in the SunCell® with water addition to the hydrino reaction plasma to serve as the source of atomic H and HOH catalyst. As shown previously in the June 4th What’s New post, the collected film with absorbed hydrino was heated to release molecular hydrino gas, and the gas was injected onto the chromatographic column with helium as the carrier gas. The higher thermal conductivity of molecular hydrino gas was confirmed by the observation of an early negative peak. A negative peak indicates a higher thermal conductivity than the helium carrier gas. The hydrogen peak was positive, so molecular hydrino was shown to be more conductive than both helium and hydrogen.

November 4, 2019
SUNCELL® Positive Feedback Behavior

Real-time video of a 20s SunCell® power measurement run performed using a molten gallium metal bath calorimeter. The power is recorded by the increase in temperature of the gallium bath of known mass and specific heat that is well mixed by an electromagnetic pump that also serves as a molten metal injector and an electrode of a pair to maintain a unique very low voltage plasma. Over 100 kW of excess power was produced in a reaction volume of less than ½ liter corresponding to about 270 HP/liter of excess power due to the hydrino reaction.

View the real-time video of the SunCell® Optimization of Power Density and Uniformity on YouTube, or Vimeo.

October 30, 2019
SUNCELL® Optimization of Power Density and Uniformity

Real-time video of a 20s SunCell® power measurement run performed using a molten gallium metal bath calorimeter. The power is recorded by the increase in temperature of the gallium bath of known mass and specific heat that is well mixed by an electromagnetic pump that also serves as a molten metal injector and an electrode of a pair to maintain a unique very low voltage plasma. Over 100 kW of excess power was produced in a reaction volume of less than ½ liter corresponding to about 270 HP/liter of excess power due to the hydrino reaction.

View the real-time video of the SunCell® Optimization of Power Density and Uniformity on YouTube, or Vimeo.

October 15, 2019
SUNCELL® Pre-run Test

This real-time video of a 15s startup test of the SunCell® before performing water bath calorimetry demonstrates how incredibility fast the SunCell® responds to hydrogen addition wherein the cell wall, cooled by an internally circulated molten gallium bath heat-sink, turns to white within 7 seconds post addition. As a routine matter, we can demonstrate over 100 kW of excess power with high gain from the hydrino reaction with no-hydrogen-addition runs showing energy balance (zero excess power).

View the real-time video of the SunCell® water bath calorimeter on YouTube, or Vimeo.

October 4, 2019
SUNCELL® Molten Metal Calorimeter Results

In addition to highly accurate power balance measurements by the recording the temperature change and water boil off of the water bath calorimeter (August 23rd video), SunCell® power measurements are being performed in molten gallium metal calorimeters. Rather than a water bath for cooling, a pool of 20-50 kg of gallium metal serves as a large heat sink, and the power is recorded by the increase in temperature of the gallium bath that is well mixed by an electromagnetic pump that also serves as a molten metal injector and an electrode of a pair to maintain a unique very low voltage plasma. The uniformity of the temperature is evident in the post-run SunCell® photo. The power is developed as soon as the hydrogen flows into the cell. The theoretical power from conventional chemistry with hydrogen addition is zero. The reaction of atomic hydrogen to hydrino or dark matter form of hydrogen catalyzed by HOH catalyst present in trace is the basis of this extraordinary hydrogen power source. A current result is an output of 120 kW for 25 kW input corresponding to about 100 kW of excess power from the hydrino reaction with no-hydrogen-addition runs showing energy balance (zero excess power).

October 2, 2019
SUNCELL® Melt-Through Power Production in Water Bath Calorimeter

We continue to improve the power released by the reaction of atomic hydrogen to hydrino or dark matter form of hydrogen catalyzed by HOH catalyst present in trace in low pressure hydrogen. A large heat sink comprising 15 kg of gallium metal, half inch-thick steel reaction chamber walls to distribute heat, and dual impinging water jets in a 200-gallon tank of room temperature water were overwhelmed by the power of the SunCell® resulting in rapid onset of flash boiling and melting through the thick stainless steel wall that quenched the hydrino reaction. The theoretical power from conventional chemistry with hydrogen addition is zero. Very substantial hydrino power is developed relative to the input power to initiate the reaction.

View the real-time video of the SunCell® water bath calorimeter on YouTube, or Vimeo.

September 20, 2019
First Trial of SunCell® with 60 Hz Induction Ignition System

A slanted-electrodes, photovoltaic-window design SunCell® with one electromagnetic pump injector electrode and a pedestal counter electrode with a connecting jumper cable between them. The molten metal injector comprising an DC-type electromagnetic pump, pumped a Galinstan stream that connected with the pedestal counter electrode to close a current loop comprising the stream, the EM pump reservoir, and the jumper cable connected at each end to the corresponding electrode bus bar and passing through a 60 Hz transformer primary. The loop served as a shorted secondary to the 60 Hz transformer primary. The induced current in the secondary maintained a plasma in atmospheric air comprising some water vapor at low power consumption.

Download the 60 Hz First Induction Ignition System Test PowerPoint presentation. View the video of the first trial of SunCell® with 60 Hz induction ignition system onYouTube, or Vimeo.

September 19, 2019
First Trial of SunCell® with Induction Injection and Ignition Systems

Two molten metal injectors, each comprising an induction-type electromagnetic pump, pumped Galinstan streams such that they intersected to create a triangular current loop comprising the streams, two Galinstan reservoirs, and a cross channel at the base of the reservoirs. The loop served as a shorted secondary to a 1000 Hz transformer primary. The induced current in the secondary maintained a plasma in atmospheric air at low power consumption. The induction system is enabling of a silver-based-working-fluid-SunCell® – magnetohydrodynamic power generator of unsurpassed power density and efficiency.

Download a five slide PowerPoint presentation. View the video of the first trial of SunCell® with induction injection and ignition systems on YouTube, or Vimeo.

September 11, 2019
Time Lapsed, Two Hour Duration Steam Production Run POWERED BY THE SUNCELL®

The SunCell® was loaded with a heat sink of 50 kg of gallium and submersed in a 760 liter, vigorously stirred water tank that was initially at room temperature. The SunCell® internal temperature remained steady at about 400°C which is a typical operating temperature of a steam turbine power plant. The run duration of two hours was also limited by the thermal tolerance of the water tank, but this larger tank enabled the duration to be doubled compared to the previous run (August 23rd video). The video camera recording failed early in the run due to the water temperature exceeding that of the camera’s operational limit. The theoretical power from conventional chemistry with hydrogen addition is zero. The reaction of atomic hydrogen to hydrino or dark matter form of hydrogen catalyzed by HOH catalyst present in trace is the basis of this extraordinary hydrogen power source.

View the video of the SunCell® Time Lapsed, Two Hour Duration Steam Production Run on YouTube, or Vimeo.

September 3, 2019
SUNCELL® Blowout Power Production in Molten Metal Calorimeter

In addition to highly accurate power balance measurements by the recording the temperature change and water boil off of the water bath calorimeter (August 23rd video), SunCell® power measurements are being performed in molten gallium metal calorimeters.  Rather than a water bath for cooling, a pool of 20-50 kg of gallium metal serves as a large heat sink, and the power is recorded by the increase in temperature of the gallium bath that is well mixed by an electromagnetic pump that also serves as a molten metal injector and an electrode of a pair to maintain a unique very low voltage plasma.  Even with a specially fabricated thick-walled spherical cell and a large metal heat sink, the power developed as soon as the hydrogen flows into the cell is so great that it causes a blowout through the thick stainless steel wall. The theoretical power from conventional chemistry with hydrogen addition is zero.  The reaction of atomic hydrogen to hydrino or dark matter form of hydrogen catalyzed by HOH catalyst present in trace is the basis of this extraordinary hydrogen power source.

View the video of the SunCell® molten metal calorimeter on YouTube, or Vimeo.

August 23, 2019
Time Lapsed, One Hour Duration Steam Production Run POWERED BY THE SUNCELL®

The SunCell® was submersed in a 120 gallon, vigorously stirred water tank that was initially at room temperature. The SunCell® internal temperature remained steady at about 400°C which is a typical operating temperature of a steam turbine power plant. The run duration was limited only by the thermal tolerance of the water tank.
View the video of the SunCell® in the water bath on YouTube, or Vimeo

June 20, 2019
Flash Boiling Powered by the SunCell®

Pushing the limit of the reactor melting down within seconds from starting with the SunCell® submersed in a room temperature, 120 gallon, vigorously stirred water tank. A high ignition power was pulsed for 1 second to start a highly energetic reaction. Trace water was injected as the only source of hydrogen fuel. Boiling occurred immediately and persistently with the reactor wall glowing red.

View the video of the water bath text on YouTube, or Vimeo

March 26, 2019
SunCell® Hydrino Reactor Power Conversion and Calorimetry

Archive footage from January of initial water bath test of the SunCell® hydrino reactant gas mixture comprised hydrogen fuel added to argon, and a trace gallium oxide inventory in a large reservoir of liquid gallium served as a source of O for HOH catalyst. The molten gallium was injected from the reservoir to a counter electrode and recycled to maintain very low voltage atmospheric pressure plasma. The engineering has advanced to a stage to permit very long duration continuous operation. Heat exchange to a coolant facilitates power balance measurements and is a step towards power utilization in commercial designs.

View the video of the water bath text on YouTube, or Vimeo

February 8, 2019
Capacitor Bank Ignition System Testing of a Spherical SunCell® Hydrino Reactor.

January 22, 2019
H2/Argon Composition and Flow Testing of a Cubic SunCell® Hydrino Reactor.

In this test the SunCell® hydrino reactant gas mixture comprises hydrogen fuel added to argon at varying ratios and flow rates to determine the effect on power production. Trace gallium oxide inventory in a large reservoir of liquid gallium serves as a source of O for HOH catalyst. The gallium was injected from the reservoir to a counter electrode and recycled to maintain very low voltage atmospheric pressure plasma. The intensity of the sound of the reaction is indicative of the reaction energetics.

December 20, 2018

The SunCell® hydrino reactant gas mixture comprises hydrogen fuel added to fixed argon and trace gallium oxide inventories wherein the oxide serves as a source of O for HOH catalyst. The scalability and effect of volume on power production with a fixed ignition system was tested using identical spherical reactors having 6, 8, and 12 inch diameters. The 12 inch diameter spherical reactor is shown during assembly (see image below) and during a hydrino plasma run. Concentrator photovoltaic electric conversion systems and submersion of the SunCell® in a water bath are in progress to produce electricity and thermal power, respectively.

December 18, 2018

Plasma control and stability creating a uniform reactor power distribution. The SunCell® hydrino reactant gas mixture comprises hydrogen fuel added to fixed argon and trace gallium oxide inventories wherein the oxide serves as a source of O for HOH catalyst. The mixture and gas delivery are being optimized to create enough power to run cars and trucks in a compact light-weight reactor. Concentrator photovoltaic electric conversion systems and submersion of the SunCell® in a water bath are in progress to produce electricity and thermal power, respectively.

December 10, 2018

First trial of photovoltaic (PV) window and cells of the taper-slant reactor for direct conversion of hydrino plasma power to electricity. The flat panel was placed horizontally over the PV window at the top of the reactor, and a diode light powered by the PV panel was at the base of the reactor. In order to melt gallium, the injected molten metal, the temperature of the reactor was raised to just above room temperature using a ceramic heating tape. Following ignition, the reactor heated the stainless steel (SS) vessel to the SS failure point in about 6 seconds wherein the intense heat caused the ceramic tape to fume.

Transparent Inverted-Pedestal-Electrode reactor to test injection and hydrino plasma parameters. (Video is set to auto-adjust to avoid saturation).

December 7, 2018

Shakedown testing of our inverted-pedestal-electrode reactor before our planned demonstration for DOD scientists next week.

October 12, 2018

Brilliant Light Power has successfully shown that the SunCell® easily scales and is capable of raising its temperature, including the large amount of internal molten gallium, from room temperature to the melting point of stainless steel in seconds. We have developed high-pressure and high-temperature capable seals, further optimized the hydrogen-argon gas mixture and the trace gallium oxide source of O for HOH catalyst, and advanced the design. We also advanced hydrino reaction control wherein the hydrino power reaction can be repeated on demand. Cooling engineering is in progress.

September 19, 2018

The SunCell reactor was at 30°C when the reaction was initiated. The reactor comprised boron nitride molten metal reservoirs and a ceramic-coated stainless steel (SS) dome. The molten metal was gallium that was injected with a SS electromagnetic pump injector inside of the reactor to hit the other boron nitride reservoir with pooled gallium that served as the counter electrode. The gas was over-atmospheric argon-H2 of a non-combustible stoichiometry. The source of O to form HOH catalyst was trace gallium oxide. The hydrino reaction caused the pressure and temperature in the SS dome to go vertical. The hydrino reaction can develop explosive power (note that the blow off valve was activated at ignition). The jet was the hydrino plasma that breached the wall that was melted by the heat from the hydrino reaction. The source of power is H2 to molecular hydrino H2(1/4) + 50 MJ catalyzed the HOH catalyst. H2 goes in and H2(1/4) and massive power comes out. The H2 can be obtained from the electrolysis of water using 1/200th the energy released in the reaction of the hydrogen to hydrino. Hydrino power can provide clean personal power to power the entire world. This invention was predicted from physical laws rather than quantum mechanics theory. The latter is based on postulated mathematics, not physics, and has an inescapable aspect that hydrinos can not exist. Hydrinos are indeed EXPERIMENTALLY produced by this power source proving physical laws.

September 17, 2018

World’s First Continuous-Plasma, Closed SunCell Run: The reaction was intentionally terminated to prevent thermal damage to the cell. Brilliant Light Power can now operate continuous hydrino plasma on demand. Work is in progress to manage and control the high power.

September 5, 2018

High speed Video of the World’s Second Closed SunCell (2000 fps and played back at 30 fps). A liquid gallium stream is injected (center) where it makes intermittent electrical connection with an oppositely polarized liquid electrode to produce ignition sparks. The intense hydrino reaction is independent of the very low voltage DC ignition field. Massive power gain is apparent by the comparison of the intense plasma emission with the ignition sparks. The hydrino reaction consumes the hydrogen fuel and repeats with refueling. Current work is on controlling the hydrogen flow rate to maintain continuous plasma while avoiding destruction of the SunCell.

World’s First Closed SunCell: Batch, hydrogen-inventory-limited testing with predominantly noble gas (argon) with some hydrogen having a total pressure slightly over atmospheric. The hydrogen-argon gas is not a combustible mixture. Engineering and low-power testing successful. Ignition with higher H2 inventory resulted in a power surge. The World’s First Closed SunCell is no more. Subsequent slow motion (0.25 real-time) videos are of sequential runs of the World’s Second Closed SunCell that was tested with limited, reduced hydrogen inventories.

World’s First Closed SunCell, Expanded Details:
Note that the massive violet space-filling plasma is independent of the electrified molten gallium stream. Horizontal shock wave striations are observed in the plasma afterglow as the hydrogen fuel is depleted. In the interim to refueling with H2 flow into the over-atmospheric argon cell gas, small sparks are observed due to the applied low voltage DC ignition. No prior known energy-releasing chemical reaction is possible. This plasma as formed and observed cannot be created with prior known technology. For detailed laboratory measurements on the hydrino power reaction, the new power source presented in this video, see our publications such as R. Mills, Y. Lu, R. Frazer, “Power Determination and Hydrino Product Characterization of Ultra-low Field Ignition of Hydrated Silver Shots”, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 56, (2018), pp. 1667-1717 ( that reports 20 MW in 10 millionths of a liter shot.

August 31, 2018

World’s First Closed SunCell: Batch, hydrogen-inventory-limited testing with predominantly noble gas with some hydrogen having a total pressure slightly over atmospheric. Engineering and low power testing successful. Ignition with higher H2 inventory resulted in a power surge. The World’s First Closed SunCell is no more. Subsequent slow motion (0.25 real time) videos are of sequential runs of the World’s Second Closed SunCell that was tested with limited, reduced hydrogen inventories.

August 6, 2018

Auto-shuttered video to avoid camera saturation. Excerpt of an ignition run of the gallium generation SunCell®. A powerful reactor-filling plasma ignites with low-voltage arcs (sparks). The reaction gas comprises an argon-hydrogen mixture at atmospheric pressure that provides atomic H, and gallium oxide serves as a source of oxygen to form HOH hydrino catalyst. The hydrogen is required for plasma formation. The SunCell® comprises a single electromagnetic pump injector that serves as a molten metal electrode paired with a static-level counter electrode. Auto-leveling and alignment are inherent in the design. Gallium’s melting point is near room temperature, and its boiling point (B.P.) is 2400 °C (higher than the B.P. of silver). Due to this extraordinary temperature difference in physical state changes, the heater to melt the gallium is a simple, very low power resistive heater, the reactor may operate at atmospheric pressure, and the heat transfer to a heat exchanger may be direct. The gallium generation SunCell® serves as a test bed for optimizing hydrino reaction chemistry and conditions as it is being developed for commercial heating applications.

March 12, 2018

Video demonstrating the magnetic properties of a hydrino hydrogen compound wherein the only possible source of magnetism is hydrogen being in a hydrino electronic state.

December 1, 2017

Video of hydrogen compound formation in a reaction chamber displayed at 10X speed with an insert of filaments of the compound in air displayed at normal speed. Detonation of a hydrino reaction mixture produces an energetic power release and forms filamentous chemical products comprising a metal and hydrogen. Each product is ferromagnetic and each comprises a metal not known to form a hydride or to be magnetic.

May 9, 2017

Video excerpt of a SunCell’s® ignition run deploying the automated control system to maintain equal molten silver levels in the reservoirs of the dual molten metal injectors.

April 13, 2017

BrLP has achieved automated control of the molten silver levels of the reservoirs of the dual molten metal injectors of its SunCell®. BrLP has also achieved automated control of the SunCell’s® thermal profile. These were the two gating items to a closed commercial SunCell® that can be deployed for field trials of thermal applications followed by electrical unit deployment with further photovoltaic converter development. The video of an excerpt of an electromagnetic pumping test shows the left reservoir overfilled at pumping initiation. The pumping rates automatically adjusted to establish and maintain matching relative levels and caused the molten streams to intersect at the center of the reaction cell chamber. BrLP is optimizing the designs and integrating this technology as it builds the first thermal field trial unit. The photovoltaic cells and cooling technology of the photovoltaic converter have been designed and are in the initial testing phase. The level control system is repeatable and potentially stable indefinitely.

January 13, 2017

Video excerpt of the SunCell® testing of the recyclable oxide source capable of operating controllably at greater than 3000 °C in a commercial design. The camera attenuation was up to a factor of 10,560 times to avoid saturation.

October 27, 2016
BrLP presented a commercial SunCell® design at its Industry Day of October 26th. The cell comprised dual liquid silver metal injectors that further served as the source of electricity to cause ignition of the hydrino plasma reaction. The liquid electrodes eliminated the ¼ inch thick tungsten bar electrodes that vaporized in seconds in the prior design run at Columbia Tech on July 20th (See below for the side view video showing 6000K plasma blackbody radiation filling the glove box; a top view video showing the melting and vaporization of the electrodes in seconds, and the picture of the vaporized cell). The commercial cell further being comprised of refractory materials solved the cell vaporization problem. The cell having dual carbon reservoirs, dual molybdenum electromagnetic pump injectors, and a carbon spherical plasma reaction chamber and blackbody radiator. The cell was run in a sealed chamber having a commercial design. The present video shows an excerpt of the testing of the commercial SunCell® design having refractory cell components and injection and ignition systems comprising molten electrodes engineered to last indefinitely. First, the cell was operated with electromagnetic (EM) pump injection only. The EM pump pressure was increased to cause intersection of the molten metal streams. Then, electrifying the opposing molten silver streams initiated and maintained the ignition. Controllable high power density was achieved while avoiding electrode or cell melting and vaporization. It is predicted that with sufficient silver vapor pressure, the power will persist by a self-sustaining hydrino reaction. Moreover, as designed, when the cell is operated as a silver boiler, the EM pump power may be terminated as well such that the parasitic load is zero except for the power consumed in electrolysis of water to provide the hydrogen fuel. In fact, the power did persist at the same level for long duration after the ignition power was terminated (See sections of the run indicated by the ignition-off video captions). Dr. Mills presentation with external links to the embedded videos is available here. If the embedded PDF videos do not work, please use the external links to view the videos.

(The PDF file above may take some time to download. Save the file to your local drive and open it in Adobe Acrobat to watch the embedded videos. Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded here. If you are unable to view the embedded videos within Acrobat Reader, please update your Flash Player and Flash plug-ins. These are available from Adobe here.)

September 16, 2016

Video excerpt of testing of the commercial design of SunCell® injection and ignition systems comprising electrodes engineered to last indefinitely and lower hemispherical reaction chamber comprised of refractory material. Controllable high power density was achieved while avoiding electrode melting and vaporization.

September 9, 2016

SunCell® comprising an advanced electrode engineering design and some refractory material components run in an inert argon atmosphere in a glove box. Controllable high power density events were achieved while avoiding electrode melting and vaporization. Video shows over two minutes out of a one-hour run.

September 2, 2016

Closed cell in a sealed chamber having the capability of running 24/7 is now operational. The electrode melting and vaporization problems have been solved as well. Video shows over a minute out of a long duration run. The SunCell® commercial design in refractory materials is being built to run in this chamber.

August 3, 2016

Greater than Fire®
Conceptual demonstration of the systems of the SunCell® to produce electricity comprising a brilliant light source and a photovoltaic converter. A commercial silicon PV panel was used; whereas, in a commercial SunCell®, concentrator PV cells are used that are capable of operating at 2000 times Sun intensity. The subsystems are described on the SunCell® page (

The power can be extraordinary, bursts of millions of watts of plasma in a volume of a coffee cup. Cell meltdown including the thick tungsten electrodes can occur in seconds. Five independent validators using four cross confirming methodologies, two absolute spectroscopic and two thermal techniques using a commercial calorimeter and a heat exchanger on the SunCell, have established that the power demonstrated in this video is megawatt level with about 8 kW total input. The vapor is boiled off silver metal having a boiling point temperature of 3924 °F.

July 21, 2016
SunCell Demonstration at Columbia Tech (Side View)

SunCell Demonstration at Columbia Tech (Top View)

BrLP and its engineering firm in Boston ran a successful off-site demonstration on 7/20/16 wherein the molybdenum-lined cell and tungsten electrodes were vaporized in a few seconds. Engineer witnesses said that they have never seen power density so extreme, impossible with known technology! Dr. Mills, the Chief Technology Officer of the engineering firm, and the Business Development Manager of BrLP’s concentrator photovoltaic manufacturer presented the commercialization plan, work to date, and time line to commercialization to an invited audience from industry, the investment community, and academia. The consensus was that BrLP is on track with its commercialization time line of deployment of field testable SunCells in the first half of 2017. BrLP and the engineering firm are working to setup a permanent demonstration site at the engineering firm’s premises to routinely perform demonstrations. Megawatt-scale power was developed wherein the observed visible light was less than 1% of that emitted with over 99% being high-energy ultraviolet light that the human eye cannot see. The effect of the enormous power density is evident in the photos below. Dr. Mills presentation may be found at:

July 14, 2016

We continue to push the envelope on the power density into the ludicrous zone.

The visible light was less than 1% of that emitted with over 99% being high-energy ultraviolet light that the human eye cannot see, but was captured by the ultraviolet spectrometer as shown in this spectrum above. Visible light is at 400 nm and longer wavelengths. The cell was stopped since it blew through the molybdenum refractory metal liner with a melting point of 4,753 °F as shown in the photo above.

January 2016

The emission transitioned from EUV and UV to 5000K blackbody radiation when the atmosphere became optically thick to the EUV and UV radiation with the vaporization of the silver that was gravity injected into an ignition system maintained in a glove box containing an argon-water vapor atmosphere.

Molten silver was maintained in a quartz tube by heating with copper coil antenna wrapped around the quartz tube (top right). Water was injected into the silver to form 1%mole entrained H2O. The molten silver was dripped into a 2 mm gap between two tungsten parallel plate electrodes each having an angled top extension to form a V-shaped funnel to the gap. The hydrino plasma was ignited by a parallel-connected pair of two Maxwell 3400 F, 2.78V supercapacitors connected in series when the molten silver gravity injected into W electrodes connected the electrodes across the gap. The plasma was maintained in a glove box having an argon (759 Torr)-H2O vapor (1 Torr) atmosphere. Over time, high-speed ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (40 us intervals) and high-speed video showed the evolution of the soft X ray line emission with a cutoff of fused silica at 180 nm converted to 5000K blackbody radiation (continuous traces starting at 220 nm) of about 1 m2 surface area with a positive feedback cycle of silver vaporization and absorption of the hydrino reaction emission with the plasma becoming increasingly optically thick. The plasma was optically thick to a high-power laser indicating an emissivity of 1. Thus, the radiation was emitted from the surface of the plasma more that 60 cm from the electrodes wherein it is obvious from the initial stages of the plasma that the weak electric field was confined to the region between the parallel plate electrodes. There was no electrical or chemical source of the enormous power developed other than the hydrino reaction.

The same extraordinary phenomena are observed from the SunCell® as evidenced by this time sequenced spectra recorded on the SunCell® showing the transition from UV line emission to 5000K blackbody radiation during the ignition of molten silver with an electromagnetic pump due to the atmosphere becoming optically thick to the UV radiation with the vaporization of the silver.

January 8, 2016

A SunCell® was run open in an inert-atmosphere glove box to demonstrate the nature of the brilliant light-emitting plasma. The hydrino reaction was initiated and propagated by a high current flowed through a highly conductive matrix comprising molten silver-copper alloy that was injected into current-supplying tungsten electrodes by an efficient electromagnetic pump having no moving parts. The peak current supplied by a capacitor bank and electrically switched by the molten metal injection was about one hundred times that of household current at a voltage of about one tenth that of a AA battery. The plume comprised vaporized metal requiring very high power that was output from the hydrino reaction. Only water vapor was supplied and consumed to maintain the reaction. The hydrino reaction produces millions of watts of light power. The light may be converted into electricity using concentrator photovoltaic cells.

Consecutive repeat

The corresponding high-speed video shows dynamics that replicate the behavior on the surface and in the corona of the Sun.

Photograph of part of the SunCell® testing team and darkened glove box due to metal vapor deposition inside.

March 13, 2015

High-speed (17,791 frames per second) photography of brilliant light-emitting expanding plasma formed from the low voltage, high current detonation of the solid fuel with voltage and current waveforms that show plasma at a time when there was no electrical input power (noted by the yellow vertical line) for a fuel having no known energy-releasing chemical reaction. The plasma persisted for 21.9 ms while the input power was zero at 1.275 ms. The peak reactive voltage measured at the welder connection to the bus bar was about 20 V, and the corresponding voltage at the other end near the fuel was <15 V. Proof of a new energy source is provided by two otherwise inexplicable observations: (i) The formation of a high-energy hydrogen plasma in the absence of any input electrical power, the nonexistence of any energy releasing chemistry with this fuel, and the further impossibility of known chemistry of this high energy. (ii) The emission of soft X-ray radiation at a voltage far less than that of the light energy produced and the inability of any known chemistry to release such high energy.
Mechanism of Soft X-ray Continuum Radiation from Low-Energy Pinch Discharges of Hydrogen and Ultra-low Field Ignition of Solid Fuels
– R. Mills, J. Lotoski, Y. Lu, submitted.