News Posts

Hydrino Analytical

Raman anti-Stokes spectra confirmed the prior corresponding Stokes spectral assignments of second and third order high energy emission lines corresponding to molecular hydrino rotational transitions.  442 nm Raman was repeated on SunCell-derived samples, and the...

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The Power of Hydrogen Unleashed

Builder Nation Interview | Randy Mills Brilliant Light Power has invested years, resources and lots of effort into producing a commercially competitive, non-polluting, plasma-based primary source of massive power using hydrogen as their source. Meet Randy Mills, CEO...

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The Green Summit – New York City

Dr. Mills presented: “Breakthrough Zero-CO2 Distributed Power Source” at The Green Summit - New York City on July 15th.   AbstractBrilliant Light Power, Inc. (BLP) has developed a new, zero-pollution, primary energy source based on a proprietary hydrogen plasma...

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TAG Interview of Dr. MIlls on New Green Plasma Power Source

Excerpt: TAG Climate: Can you share some insights into whether you believe our globe can meet net zero emissions targets for energy in 2050? BRILLIANT LIGHT POWER: 60 million 250kW SunCell® units can resolve the world’s climate crisis in a year. How? By fulfilling the...

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GEM-2023 | Boston, MA | March 06-08, 2023

Breakthrough Zero-CO2 Distributed Power Source Presenter: Randell Mills Session I: Renewable Energy-Parallel Session – I, March 7th, 8:20-8:40 AM Affiliation: Brilliant Light Power, Inc., 493 Old Trenton Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512, USA Presenter Contact Details:...

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Commercial SunCell® Initial Shakedown

We have added a few more engineering advancements to our commercial SunCell® prototype that achieves ignition on demand.  The goal of transferring the extraordinarily high power optically has been achieved.  Even at a distance the optical and thermal power experienced...

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Relativistic Hydrino Equation Solution

Relativistic Hydrino equation solution demonstrates a practical hydrino catalyzed reaction mechanism to achieve fusion of heavy hydrogen isotopes similar to the mechanism of muonic catalyzed fusion that will actually work and not cost $billions per kilowatt hour...

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