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These presentations have been updated to reflect the significant achievement of a commercial prototype TPV enabling SunCell®. PDF Business Presentation Overview Presentation...
GEM-2023 | Boston, MA | March 06-08, 2023
Breakthrough Zero-CO2 Distributed Power Source Presenter: Randell Mills Session I: Renewable Energy-Parallel Session – I, March 7th, 8:20-8:40 AM Affiliation: Brilliant Light Power, Inc., 493 Old Trenton Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512, USA Presenter Contact Details:...
Commercial SunCell® Initial Shakedown
We have added a few more engineering advancements to our commercial SunCell® prototype that achieves ignition on demand. The goal of transferring the extraordinarily high power optically has been achieved. Even at a distance the optical and thermal power experienced...
Relativistic Hydrino Equation Solution
Relativistic Hydrino equation solution demonstrates a practical hydrino catalyzed reaction mechanism to achieve fusion of heavy hydrogen isotopes similar to the mechanism of muonic catalyzed fusion that will actually work and not cost $billions per kilowatt hour...
Harnessing Power from the Conversion of Hydrogen to Dark Matter
Dr. Edward Amoroso Let me start with couple of scenarios: First, imagine using one liter of water to power two-thousand miles of distance on your Tesla. Next, imagine if you could generate as much power from that liter of water as an eighth of a ton of coal. If these...
December Update On Our Progress
Over 40 global companies are awaiting the commercial SunCell prototype light source that is now operational. It comprises about 50 innovations from the last generation that were required to transfer the high-power optically over the entire area of the reaction cell...
First Light from SunCell® Lightbulb Design
The engineering of the commercial prototype SunCell® having a light-bulb design that required new systems and a novel high-temperature-capable sealing technology was successfully tested using glass photovoltaic (PV) window cavities. In addition, the hydrino plasma...
Neutrino Communications Indicated by Molecular Hydrino Two-Photon ½ Energy Spectrum
Using Raman spectroscopy with a high energy laser, a series of 1000 cm-1 (0.1234 eV) equal-energy spaced Raman peaks were observed in the 8000 cm-1 to 18,000 cm-1 region wherein conversion of the Raman spectrum into the fluorescence or photoluminescence spectrum...
SunCell® Power and Engineering
The SunCell window was replaced with one of 13 times smaller area which allowed similar light output due to avoidance of the larger window failure due to the intense light. The engineering of the commercial prototype SunCell having a light-bulb design is near...
Hydrino Analytical
href="" target="_blank">Hydrino_States_of_Hydrogen.pdfAnalytical_Presentation.pdf New extraordinary Hydrino confirmation by FTIR that resolves the experimental mysteries of so-called “metaborate...