Corporate Developments

Brilliant Light Power (BLP) has added six new members to its engineering team, made a business development hire, and has signed an engagement letter with a global investment bank.

SUNCELL® PV-Window Type

Brilliant Light Power (BLP) has developed a high-temperature capable dual injector type SunCell comprising a photovoltaic (PV) window that does not metalize over. This technology can produce 100% green, autonomous electricity incredibly inexpensively when mated with a...

SUNCELL® 120 Hour Steam Boiler Trial

Brilliant Light Power has developed a steam boiler capable of 250 kW continuous steam output.  The boiler has been equipped with an automated make-up water system allowing the boiler to be tested for over 120 hours.  An excerpt of the trial is shown in this video....

Dr. Booker Theory Validation

Spanning four years, Dr. Booker, University of North Carolina Physics Professor, has finished validating the equations and computational results of Dr. Mills book entitled The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics.  Dr. Mills theory proves that physical laws apply...

SUNCELL® Steam Boiler

Brilliant Light Power has developed a steam boiler capable of a continuous steam output of 250 kW by integration of the SunCell validated to generate over 250 kW of power ( into a pressure vessel.  Schematics, bills...