New Journal Publication

R. Mills, Y. Lu, R. Frazer, “Power Determination and Hydrino Product Characterization of Ultra-low Field Ignition of Hydrated Silver Shots”, Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 56, (2018), pp. 1667-1717. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjph.2018.04.015. The published version is available...

Greater than TNT

Based on the shockwave propagation velocity and the corresponding over pressure, the high-current ignition of water in a silver matrix was measured to produce a shock wave that was 10 times greater than an equivalent weight of TNT. [Validation Reports, PDF]

Magnetism of Hydrino Hydrogen

Video demonstrating the magnetic properties of a hydrino hydrogen compound wherein the only possible source of magnetism is hydrogen being in a hydrino electronic state. View the video directly on YouTube or on the Videos page.