We have made some new prototyping hires and are hiring more test engineers. We have also established business relationships with a set of highly capable outside fabricators and vendors that solve our supply chain issues. We are working with two concentrator PV companies regarding the PV dense receiver array to convert the SunCell optical power into electricity for commercial loads. We are pursuing contracts with engineer firms for the commercial packaging and certifications.
Three other successes are
I. More patent issuance which extends our lead in Hydrino power.

II. Completion of the theory and continuation of validations of predictions that are overturning the most important aspects of physics theories:
Webb Space Telescope Spots Two of the Most Distant Galaxies Ever, Images Stun Scientists: “Stars Million Times Brighter Than Our Sun” (msn.com)
In addition to Big Bang, we are confident that Quantum theory will be overturned by Hydrino as the identity of Dark Matter and by Hydrino analytical data. See third achievement category below.
III. Completion of Hydrino analytical:
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