Brilliant Light’s SunCell
® has produced millions of watts of power at a power density that is significantly higher than that of any other power source. Recycled molten silver or gallium metal and are injected into ignition electrodes with supplied H from H
2O. The nonpolluting power-producing SunCell® catalytically converts the H directly into a more stable allotrope of hydrogen that is the dark matter of the universe and brilliant light-emitting plasma that is hotter than the surface of the Sun at an extraordinary power density equivalent to tens of thousands of times the Sun’s intensity at the Earth’s surface. The contained plasma heats a heat exchanger to provide thermal power. Alternatively, the contained plasma radiates through a window to provide light of a spectrum suitable for the optical power to be converted directly into electricity using concentrator photovoltaic cells (solar cells), very high-power, high-efficiency cells that are commercially available. Magnetohydrodynamic direct conversion of the plasma power into electricity is also being developed. Patents are filed worldwide.
SunCell®: Each SunCell® comprises at least one molten metal injector that serves as a liquid electrode with a counter electrode contacted by the injected molten metal stream. The recycled molten silver or gallium metal with supplied H from H2O serve as a reaction mixture to form Hydrinos. A low-voltage, very high current (about one hundred times that of household currents) ignites a reaction to form hydrinos and causes a burst of brilliant light-emitting plasma power of up to millions of watts that can be directly converted to electricity using proven light to electric power concentrator photovoltaic conversion technology. Alternatively, the plasma power may be used for thermal applications or undergo magnetohydrodynamic conversion to electricity.
Brilliant Light has engineered a modular, scalable SunCell® electric generator that is a fraction of the weight and size of an internal combustion engine that can be used in essentially any power application alone or ganged to larger capacity.
Specifically, Brilliant Light has developed a commercially competitive, nonpolluting source of energy that forms a predicted, previously undiscovered, more stable form of hydrogen called “Hydrino”.
Essentially all power sources: thermal, electrical, marine, rail, aviation, aerospace, as well as automotive sources, become untethered from an electrical distribution or fuel infrastructure and are also independent of the Sun, wind, or other external variable power sources at capital cost of less than 10% of that of historic systems.