
Analytical Presentation as a PDF
Summary of recent analytical results on isolated hydrino bound in compounds and as a gas.
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Master list of more than 100 published papers and Dr. Mills’ book publication.

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Power & Hydrino Characterization Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Proof for the Existence of Molecular Hydrino
– Wilfred R. Hagen, Randell L. Mills, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,

Abstract: Quantum mechanics postulates that the hydrogen atom has a stable ground state from which it can be promoted to excited states by capture of electromagnetic radiation, with the energy of all possible states given by En = -13.598/n2 eV, in which n ³ 1 is a positive integer. It has been previously proposed that the n = 1 state is not the true ground state, and that so-called hydrino states of lower energy can exist, which are characterized by fractional quantum numbers n = 1/p, in which 1 < p £ 137 is a limited integer. Electron transition to a hydrino state, H(1/p) is non-radiative and requires a quantized amount of energy, 2mE1 (m is an integer), to be transferred to a catalyst. Numerous putative hydrino-forming reactions have been previously explored and the products have been characterized by a range of analytical methods. Molecular hydrino has been predicted to be paramagnetic. Here, we give an account of an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of molecular hydrino H2(1/4) that was produced as gaseous inclusion in polymeric Ga(O)OH by a plasma reaction of atomic hydrogen with non-hydrogen bonded water as the catalyst. A sharp, complex, multi-line EPR spectrum is found, whose detailed properties prove to be consistent with predictions from hydrino theory. Molecular hydrino was also identified in gas chromatography as a compound faster than molecular hydrogen.


General EPR pattern from molecular hydrino produced in various reactors
– Wilfred R. Hagena*, Randell L. Millsb*
a Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
b Brilliant Light Power Inc, Cranbury, NJ, USA

Abstract: Hydrino, H(1/p), is any small form of atomic hydrogen with state energy En = -13.598/n2 eV, in which n = 1/p, and p is a limited integer 1 < p ≤ 137. Electron transition to a hydrino state is non-radiative and requires a quantized amount of energy, 2mE1 (m is integer) to be transferred to a catalyst. Furthermore, hydrino can dimerize to molecular hydrino, H2(1/p), by loss of its bond energy, e.g., to a reaction wall. In contrast to molecular hydrogen, molecular hydrino is paramagnetic with S = 1/2. We have previously reported a uniquely sharp multi-line EPR spectrum for gaseous molecular hydrino included in spheres of gallium oxide hydroxide, H2(1/4)@Ga(O)OH, which was produced in a plasma discharge reactor with gallium as an electrode and nascent water as the catalyst. Contrarily, EPR spectra of a very different nature are exhibited by H2(1/4) produced in multiple reactors of different type. Broad-line powder patterns are observed extending from 0 to some 8000 Gauss in dual-mode X-band. Unusual temperature dependence include anti-Curie behaviour and a magnetic phase transition around 107 K. Frequency-dependent resonance conditions are identified in L-, S-, X-, and Q-band. The broad EPR is analyzed in terms of a temperature-dependent dimer-of-dimers to dimer equilibrium of molecular hydrino interstitially included in the microcrystals of powder hosts. The room-temperature EPR provides a simple fingerprint identification tool to monitor the production of molecular hydrino in stable catchers.

General EPR pattern from molecular hydrino produced in various reactors.pdf

Hydrino States of Hydrogen,
– R. Mills, submitted for publication.

Updated 10/9/24 – You may need to clear you browser cache to see the latest version.

Abstract: In addition to the reciprocal integer squared electronic energy states of atomic hydrogen, hydrogen possesses integer squared electronic energy levels corresponding to 1/p replacing n in the Rydberg formula, corresponding so-called hydrino state of hydrogen.  Atomic hydrino, hydrino hydride ion, and molecular hydrino have been produced in the laboratory and analyzed by over 23 methodologies and spectroscopies at numerous laboratories.  The formation and existence of hydrino resolves many astrophysical mysteries and the identity of the dark matter of the universe.  For example, the observed and theoretical molecular hydrino rotational lines match the Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) and the EUV continuum emission from the formation of hydrino matches that observed from all over the universe, the continuum band of solar corona, and the continuum bands of white dwarf stars as well as providing the source of ionization of the solar corona and interstellar media as an alternative mechanism to thermal ionization.

H2O-Based Solid Fuel Power Source Based on the Catalysis of H by HOH Catalyst
– R.L. Mills, J. Lotoski – Int’l J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 40, (2015), 25-37.

Atomic hydrogen is predicted to form fractional Rydberg energy states H(1/p) called “hydrino atoms” wherein n=1/2,1/3,1/4,…,1/p (p ≤ 137 is an integer) replaces the well-known parameter n = integer in the Rydberg equation for hydrogen excited states. The transition of H to a stable hydrino state H [aH /p=m+1] having a binding energy of p2•13.6eV occurs by a nonradiative resonance energy transfer of m • 27.2 eV (m is an integer) to a matched energy acceptor such as nascent H2O that has a potential energy of 81.6 eV (m = 3). The energy transfer to the HOH catalyst results in its ionization wherein the charge build up may become limiting of the further propagation of the catalysis reaction. An applied, low-voltage, high current was predicted to ameliorate this space charge inhibition of the hydrino reaction. To achieve these conditions, a solid fuel was used that comprises a highly conductive matrix such as a metal powder with bound or suspended H2O that served as the source of HOH catalyst and H. When the high current was applied, the H2O-based solid exploded with a tremendous burst of optical power as recorded with high-speed video and spectroscopically. The power density was confirmed to be about 3 X 1010 W/liter of fuel volume using the measured time of the event and the energy released as measured by bomb calorimetry. The predicted molecular hydrino H2(1/4) was identified as a product by Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence emission spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).

High-Power-Density Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition (CIHT) Electrochemical Cell – R. Mills, J. Lotoski, J. Kong, G. Chu, J. He, J. Trevey, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014), DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.06.153. pp. 14512–14530. To purchase the final published version Click Here.

CIHT cells, each comprising a Mo, MoCu (50-50 at%), or MoNi (50-50 at%) hydrogen permeable membrane anode or tape cast CoCu, clad onto a hydrogen permeable Ni membrane, NiO cathode, a LiOH-LiBr eutectic mixture as the electrolyte, and MgO matrix in some cases exploit hydrino formation as a half-cell reaction to serve as a new electrical energy source. Electrical energies were continuously output over long-duration, measured on different systems, configurations, and modes of operation and were typically multiples of the electrical input that in most cases exceed the input by a factor of about 2 at about 10 mW/cm2 anode area. The power density was increased by a factor of over 10 by running a corresponding high current without sufficient H corrosion suppression due to a limited H permeation rate, but the results indicate that thinner more permeable foils should provide long-term stability with high electrical gain. The lesser kinetically favorable anode material CoCu was protected from corrosion by cladding a tape cast onto a hydrogen permeable Ni membrane to achieve comparable power densities as Mo and MoCu foils due to the large surface area of the tape cast. For the range of surface power densities of 10 to 100 mW/cm2 developed by different anodes, a stack not requiring gas or heat handling systems is feasible with dimensions of 10 um, 10 um, and 20 um for the anode, the electrolyte layer, and a porous cathode to provide H2O transport to the reaction having a volumetric power density of 2.5 and 25 kW/liter, respectively. The predicted molecular hydrino H2(1/4) was identified as a product of CIHT cells by MAS 1H NMR, electron-beam excitation emission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and photoluminescence emission spectroscopy.

Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition (CIHT) Electrochemical Cell – R.L. Mills, X. Yu, Y. Lu, G Chu, J. He, J. Lotoski, Int. J. Energy Res., published online December 20, 2013, 25 pages; doi: 10.1002/er.3142. To purchase the final published version Click Here

Response to a comment to Catatalyst Induced Hydrino Transition (CIHT) electochemical cell of D. Sundholm. – R. Mills

Response to a comment to Catalyst-Induced Hydrino Transition (CIHT) electrochemical cell of D. Sundholm. Published in the International Journal of Energy Research.Wiley Online Library

The nascent H2O molecule formed by an oxidation reaction of OH- at a hydrogen anode is predicted to serve as a catalyst to form H(1/4) with an energy release of 204 eV compared to the 1.48 eV required to produce H from electrolysis of H2O. CIHT cells, each comprising a Ni anode, NiO cathode, a LiOH-LiBr eutectic mixture as the electrolyte, and MgO matrix exploit Hydrino formation as a half-cell reaction to serve as a new electrical energy source. The cells were operated under intermittent H2O electrolysis to generate H at the anode and then discharged to form hydrinos wherein trace H2O vapor was supplied as entrained in an inert gas flow in otherwise closed cells. Net electrical production over the electrolysis input was measured using an Arbin BT 2000 (<0.1% error) and confirmed using a digital oscilloscope; wherein no theoretical conventional energy was possible. Materials characterizations included those that characterized any compositional change of the electrolyte by elemental analysis using ICPMS, XRF, and XRD, and SEM was performed on the anode. The electrical energies continuously output over long-duration, measured on different systems, configurations, and modes of operation were typically multiples of the electrical input that in cases exceed the input by a factor of greater than 10. Calorimetry of solid fuels that exploited the same catalyst and a similar reaction mechanism showed excess thermal energy greater than 10 times the maximum possible from any conventional reaction. The predicted molecular hydrino H2(1/4) was identified as a product of CIHT cells and solid fuels by MAS 1HNMR, ToF-SIMS, ESI-ToFMS, electron-beam excitation emission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence emission spectroscopy, FTIR, and XPS.

Solid Fuels that Form HOH Catalyst – R. Mills, J. Lotoski, W. Good, J. He, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014), pp. 11930-11944 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2014.05.170.

Atomic hydrogen is predicted to form fractional Rydberg energy states H (1/p) called “hydrino atoms” wherein n = 1/2, 1/3, 1/4,…1/p (p ≤ 137 is an integer) replaces the well-known parameter n = integer in the Rydberg equation for hydrogen excited states. The transition of H to a stable hydrino state H [aH / p = m + 1] having a binding energy of p2 . 13.6 eV occurs by a nonradiative resonance energy transfer of m . 27.2 eV (m is an integer) to a matched energy acceptor such as nascent H2O that has a potential energy of 81.6 eV (m = 3). The nascent H2O molecule formed by an oxidation reaction of OH- at a hydrogen anode is predicted to serve as a catalyst to form H (1/4) with an energy release of 204 eV compared to the 1.48 eV required to produce H from electrolysis of H2O. CIHT cells, each comprising a LiOH-LiBr eutectic mixture as the electrolyte exploit hydrino formation as a half-cell reaction to serve as a new electrical energy source. Net electrical production over the electrolysis input and hydrogen supplied to the anode was measured using an Arbin BT 2000. The electrical energies were continuously output over long-duration, measured on different systems, configurations, and modes of operation and were typically multiples of the electrical input that in most cases exceed the input by a factor of about 2 at about 10 mW/cm2 anode area. The power density was increased by a factor of over 10 by running a corresponding high current. The thermal energy balance of solid fuels that form the HOH catalyst by a reaction akin to those of CIHT cells were measured using both a water flow calorimeter and a Setaram DSC 131 differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The DSC results confirmed water flow calorimetric (WFC) results and the former were further independently replicated at Setaram Instrumentation based in France. The thermal energy balance for solid fuels such as Co(OH)2 + CuBr2 and Cu(OH)2 + CuBr2 were up to 60 times the maximum theoretical for both types of calorimeters with supportive XRD of the WFC products. DSC performed on FeOOH and Cu(OH)2 + FeBr2 in gold crucibles at Perkin Elmer showed up to four times the maximum theoretical energy. DSC and XRD were independently performed on the starting materials. The MAS 1H NMR showed a predicted upfield matrix shift of a KOH-KCl hydrino getter when exposed to the gas from a reacting Cu(OH)2 + CuBr2 solid fuel in a sealed cell. A Raman peak starting at 1950 cm-1 matched the free space rotational energy of H2(1/4) (0.2414 eV). The solid fuels scaled linearly to over 5 kW and confirm the energetic reaction of hydrinos and may serve as a thermally reversible system to continuously generate power for commercial uses.


  • Solid fuels involving H2O and H to hydrinos produce excess energy.
  • Thermal energy balances were determined by water flow calorimetry and DSC.
  • Calorimetry was confirmed at instrument-manufactures’ facilities.
  • The H2(1/4) product of CIHT cells was analyzed by multiple spectroscopic techniques.
  • Product H2(1/4) was identified by its ro-vibrational spectra, binding energy, and upfield NMR shift.

Oxygen and Silver Nanoparticle Aerosol Magnetohydrodynamic Power Cycle – R. Mills and M. Nansteel, Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, No 216.

Pressure and thermal energy of a novel hydrogen chemistry driven plasma is converted into kinetic energy using a converging-diverging nozzle, and the kinetic energy is converted to electricity in a novel highly efficient MHD cycle exploiting (i) the ability of silver to form nanoparticles at its melting point when exposed to oxygen and (ii) the ability of silver at its melting point to absorb up to 25 mole percent oxygen wherein the corresponding rates to support the cycle where experimentally confirmed. Equations for a constant pressure expansion of a constant conductivity working fluid in an MHD channel with uniform magnetic field demonstrated that as the flow decelerates the kinetic energy of the fluid is converted to MHD power in proportion to the loading factor W at a power density of 23.1 MW/liter, and the remaining fraction (1 – W) of the kinetic energy is converted to fluid enthalpy that can be recovered wherein the MHD converter has no moving parts. Since the MHD efficiency may approach W = 1, the electrical conversion of the power of the plasma into electricity may approach the efficiency of pressure-thermal to kinetic energy conversion wherein the corresponding nozzle efficiencies of 99% have been realized. This novel thermodynamic cycle enables closed liquid magnetohydrodynamic power conversion of a breakthrough clean hydrogen plasma power source into electrical power at a power density that is orders of magnitude higher than previously possible at an efficiency approaching unity.

Direct Plasmadynamic Conversion of Plasma Thermal Power to Electricity
– R. M. Mayo, R. L. Mills, M. Nansteel, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, October, (2002), Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 2066–2073.

The generation of electrical energy using direct plasmadynamic conversion (PDC) is studied experimentally for small-scale, chemically-assisted plasmas (CA-plasma) for the first time. Glow discharge and microwave-generated plasma sources are operated at power levels on the order of a few to 50 W in the discharge case and up to 12.83 W/cm3 in the microwave case.  Extracted power approaching 1/4 W has been achieved as a demonstration. It is envisioned that such a system may be readily scaled to a few hundred Watts to several tens of kilowatts output power for microdistributed commercial applications (e.g., household, automotive, light industry, and space based power). Three-quarter inch long by 0.040-in diameter cylindrical PDC electrodes have been tested in a 10–50 W direct current, glow discharge plasma device with He or Ar as the working gas at 0.3–3.0 torr. The PDC anode was magnetized in the range of 0–700 G with a 1.5-in water cooled Helmholtz electromagnet. Open circuit voltages up to 6.5 V were obtained across the PDC electrodes at 1 torr He and 350-G field. The collector voltage was shown to be a function of applied magnetic field strength B and peaking at about 300 G. A variety of resistive loads were connected across the PDC electrodes, extracting continuous electrical power up to 0.44 mW. The power/load curve peaks at 0.44 mW for a 20 kW load indicating the impedance matching condition with the plasma source. The most severe limitation to collector output performance is shown to be plasma conductivity. Collector power drops sharply with increasing neutral gas fill pressure in the glow discharge chamber at constant discharge current indicating that electron collisions with neutral gas atoms are responsible for the reduction in conductivity. Scale-up to higher power has been achieved with the use of a microwave plasma generator. A 0.75-in long by 0.094-in diameter PDC anode was magnetized to  ~140 G resulting in open circuit PDC voltages in excess of 11.5 V for He plasmas at  ~0.75–1 torr and 50 sccm flow. Due to higher conductivity, load matching was now obtained at  ~600 kW.  Langmuir probe results indicate good agreement between the conductivity change and the electron to neutral density ratio scale-up. For this source and electrode configuration, PDC power as high as ~200 mW was demonstrated in He at 0.75 torr for a microwave input power density of  ~8.55 W/cm3. Considering an electron mean-free path as the scale for collector probe influence in the plasma, the peak extracted power density is ~1.61 W/cm3 , corresponding to a volumetric conversion efficiency of  ~18.8%.

Direct Plasmadynamic Conversion of Plasma Thermal Power to Electricity for Microdistributed Power Applications – R. M. Mayo, R. L. Mills, 40th Annual Power Sources Conference, Cherry Hill, NJ, June 10–13, (2002), pp. 1–4;  R. M. Mayo, R. L. Mills, M. Nansteel, “On the Potential of Direct and MHD Conversion of Power from a Novel Plasma Source to Electricity for Microdistributed Power Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, August, (2002), Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 1568–1578.

A microwave plasma source with input power levels up to 12.83 W/cm3 that provides reproducible, stable plasmas with power densities on the order of those of chemically assisted (CA-) plasmas was used to characterize plasmadynamic power conversion (PDC) of plasma thermal power to electricity. PDC extracted electrical power approaching 2 W has been achieved as a demonstration. It is envisioned that such a system may be readily scaled to a few hundred Watts to several 10’s of kW output power for microdistributed commercial applications (e.g. household, automotive, light industry, and space based power). The most important consideration in collector output performance is shown to be plasma conductivity. Increasing collector surface area in contact with the plasma, plasma charge carrier density, and plasma temperature, and reducing the fill gas pressure all increase the extracted power. Peak performance is found at 0.5 Torr fill of He at 50 sccm at 8.55 W/cm3 input power where the load match is 250 Ω and peak extracted power is 1.87 W or 3.6 W/cm3 (21.8 V, 86 mA) for a volumetric conversion efficiency of 42%.

Process Characterization

Power Determination and Hydrino Product Characterization of Ultra-low Field Ignition of Hydrated Silver Shots
– R. Mills, Y. Lu, R. Frazer. Chinese Journal of Physics, Vol. 56, (2018), pp. 1667-1717. DOI: 10.1016/j.cjph.2018.04.015. To purchase the final published version Click Here.

Hydrated silver shots comprising a source of H and HOH catalyst were ignited by passing a low voltage, high current through the shot to produce explosive plasma that emitted brilliant light predominantly in the short-wavelength 10 to 300 nm region. Based on Stark broadening, the initially optically thick essentially 100% ionized plasma expanded at sound speed and thinned to emit EUV and UV light. The peak power of 20 MW was measured using absolute spectroscopy over the 22.8-647 nm region wherein the optical emission energy was 250 times the applied energy. Synchronized high-speed video and spectroscopic recording of the plasma emission and the measurement of the applied ignition power over time showed that plasma persisted even after the ignition power decayed to zero. Continuous megawatt-level power was recorded on a hydrino reactor wherein continuous brilliant plasma was maintained by HOH and H produced from water-entrained injected molten silver matrix. The molten fuel produced the same EUV spectrum as the shots, but converted to 5700K blackbody radiation of about 1 m2 surface area with a positive feedback cycle of silver vaporization and absorption of the hydrino reaction emission with the plasma becoming increasingly optically thick. The calorimetrically measured power of a typical 80 mg, 10 microliter shot shot ignition released by the nascent HOH catalyzed transition of H to hydrino state H2(1/4) was 400,000 W. The catalysis reaction product H2(1/4) was identified by Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence emission spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and MAS 1H NMR. Water impregnated in a conductive silver matrix was found to detonate under application of a very low voltage, high current to produce a shockwave that is about equivalent to an order of magnitude more gunpowder.

Mechanism of Soft X-ray Continuum Radiation from Low-Energy Pinch Discharges of Hydrogen and Ultra-low Field Ignition of Solid Fuels
– R. Mills, J. Lotoski, Y. Lu. Plasma Science and Technology, Volume 19, Number 9 (2017). DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa7383. To purchase the final published version Click Here.

EUV radiation in the 10-30 nm region observed only arising from very low energy pulsed pinch gas discharges comprising some hydrogen first at Brilliant Light Power, Inc. (BrLP) and reproduced at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics (CfA) was determined to be due to the transition of H to the lower-energy hydrogen or hydrino state H(1/4) whose emission matches that observed wherein alternative sources were eliminated. The identity of the catalyst that accepts 3 × 27.2 eV from the H to cause the H to H(1/4) transition was investigated by recording the EUV continuum emission from electrodes having metal oxides that are thermodynamically favorable to undergo H reduction to form HOH catalyst; whereas, those that are unfavorable did not show any continuum even though the low-melting point metals tested are very favorable to forming metal ion plasmas with strong short-wavelength continua in more powerful plasma sources. Of the two possible catalysts, 3 H and HOH, the latter catalyst is more likely to be active in the H pinch plasma based on the behavior with oxide-coated electrodes and the consideration of the intensity profile of the multi-body reaction required during 3 H catalysis. The HOH catalyst was further shown to give EUV radiation of the same nature by igniting a solid fuel comprising a source of H and HOH catalyst by passing a low voltage, high current through the fuel to produce explosive plasma. No chemical reaction can release such high-energy light, and the field corresponded to a voltage that was less than 15 V for the atmospheric pressure collisional plasma. No high field existed to form highly ionized ions that could give radiation in this EUV region. This plasma source serves as strong evidence for the existence of the transition of H to hydrino H(1/4) by HOH as the catalyst. The hydrino reaction is a powerful new energy source released primarily as blackbody radiation equivalent to the Sun spectrum. Initial prototypes to generate extraordinary optical power by the formation of hydrinos are already producing photovoltaic generated electrical power. Moreover, m H catalyst was identified to be active in the laboratory and astronomical sources such as the Sun, stars, and interstellar medium wherein the characteristics of hydrino product match those of the dark matter of the universe.

Soft X-ray Continuum Radiation from Low-Energy Pinch Discharges – R. Mills, R. Booker, Y. Lu, J. Plasma Physics, Vol. 79 (2013) 489–507. DOI: 10.1017/S0022377812001109.

Under a study contracted by GEN3 Partners, spectra of high current pinch discharges in pure hydrogen and helium were recorded in the extreme ultraviolet radiation region at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in an attempt to reproduce experimental results published by Brilliant Light Power, Inc. (BrLP) showing predicted continuum radiation due to hydrogen in the 10–30 nm region (Mills, R. L. and Lu, Y. 2010 Hydrino continuum transitions with cutoffs at 22.8 nm and 10.1 nm. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 35, 8446–8456, doi:10.1016?j.ijhydene.2010.05.098). Alternative explanations were considered to the claimed interpretation of the continuum radiation as being that emitted during transitions of H to lower-energy states (hydrinos). Continuum radiation was observed at CfA in the 10–30 nm region that matched BrLP’s results. Considering the low energy of 5.2 J per pulse, the observed radiation in the energy range of about 120–40 eV, reference experiments and analysis of plasma gases, cryofiltration to remove contaminants, and spectra of the electrode metal, no conventional explanation was found in the prior or present work to be plausible including contaminants, electrode metal emission, and Bremsstrahlung, ion recombination, molecular or molecular ion band radiation, and instrument artifacts involving radicals and energetic ions reacting at the charge-coupled device and H2 re-radiation at the detector chamber. Moreover, predicted selective extraordinarily high-kinetic energy H was observed by the corresponding Doppler broadening of the Balmer α line.

Validation of the Observation of Soft X-ray Continuum Radiation from Low-Energy Pinch Discharges in the Presence of Molecular Hydrogen – A. Bykanov

Under a study contracted by GEN3 Partners, spectra of high current pinch discharges in pure hydrogen and helium were recorded in the EUV region at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in an attempt to reproduce experimental results published by Brilliant Light Power, Inc. (BrLP) showing predicted continuum radiation due to hydrogen in the 10–30 nm region. Alternative explanations were considered to the claimed interpretation of the continuum radiation as being that emitted during transitions of H to lower-energy states (hydrinos). Continuum radiation was observed at CfA in the 10–30 nm region that matched BrLP’s results. Considering the low energy of 5.2 J per pulse, the observed radiation in the energy range of about 120 eV to 40 eV and reference experiments no conventional explanation was found in the prior or present work to be plausible including electrode metal emission, and Bremsstrahlung, ion recombination, molecular or molecular ion band radiation, and instrument artifacts involving radicals and energetic ions reacting at the CCD and H2re-radiation at the detector chamber.

Substantial Doppler Broadening of Atomic-Hydrogen Lines in DC and Capacitively Coupled RF Plasmas – K. Akhtar, J.E. Scharer, R.L. Mills, 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 42, Issue 13, 135207 (12pp), doi:10.1088/0022-3727/42/13/135207.

The mechanism of extraordinary broadening of the Balmer lines of hydrogen admixed with noble gases in a dc glow discharge and a capacitively coupled rf discharge is studied over a wide range of pressure and gas compositions to test the field acceleration model (Cvetanovic et al 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 97 033302). High-resolution optical emission spectroscopy is performed parallel to the electrode axis (end-on) and perpendicular to the electrode axis (side-on) along with Langmuir probe measurements of plasma density and electron temperature for the parallel plate rf capacitive discharge case. Sharp pin-shaped tungsten dc electrodes are also used to minimize the backscattering of ions that are theorized by a field acceleration model to be heated in the sheath region. An excessively broad and symmetric (Gaussian) Balmer emission line corresponding to 20–60 eV of hydrogen atom energy is observed in Ar/H2 and He/H2 plasmas when compared with the majority species atom temperatures. Energy is transferred selectively to hydrogen atoms whereas the atoms of admixed He and Ar gases remain cold (<0.5 eV). Since there is neither a preferred ion nor atom in the field acceleration model, one should also observe enhanced temperature hydrogen and helium atoms in He/H2 discharges where the atomic mass is more comparable (4 : 1).

SunCell™ Validation Reports

Brilliant Light Power’s game-changing energy device that has water (H2O) as its only fuel input from which it produces 100 billion watts per liter of energetic plasma by forming a more stable state of the hydrogen atom has been validated by academic experts. The findings from three programs are presented in validation reports of our plasma-producing SunCell™. The validators confirmed the SunCell™ performance and commercial opportunity wherein only H2O is consumed to form hydrinos and O2.  An astonishingly high power density is produced at the level of millions of watts. The hydrino transition mechanism was confirmed by EUV spectroscopy [HOH EUV paper ]. Attached are summary biographies for the validators and reports from:

A California Institute of Technology professor that advises brand name institutional investment firms on technology and business opportunities.
Professor with expertise in materials science that collaborates with world renowned battery and materials science groups.
Top-5 Engineering School Professor, California Institute of Technology PhD


Design for a Brilliant Light Power Multi-Cell Thermally Coupled Reactor Based on Hydrogen Catalyst Systems – R. Mills, G. Zhao, W. Good, M. Nansteel, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 36 (2012) 778-788. DOI: 10.1002/er.1834.

The design and cost estimates compared to other systems of an energy Hydrino producing reactor system wherein heat from Hydrino reactions within individual cells provide both the reactor power and the heat for regeneration of the reactants. These processes occur continuously over a plurality of cells in different phases of the processes. The Hydrino reactions are maintained and regenerated in a batch mode using thermally-coupled multi-cells arranged in bundles wherein cells in the power-production phase of the cycle heat cells in the regeneration phase. Conservatively, assuming a conversion efficiency of 25%, the total cost with the addition of the boiler and chemical components is estimated at $1,380 per kW electric. The system applications for distributed power (1 to 10 MW electric) and central generation retrofit and green-field projects are projected to be very competitive relative to existing power sources and systems.

Continuous Hydrino Thermal Power System, R. Mills, G. Zhao, W. Good, Applied Energy, Vol. 88, (2011) 789-798.

The Hydrino reactions are maintained and regenerated continuously in each cell wherein heat from the power production phase of a thermally reversible cycle provides the energy for regeneration of the initial reactants from the products. Since the reactants undergo both modes simultaneously in each cell, the thermal power output from each cell is constant. Conservatively, assuming a conversion efficiency of 25% the total cost with the addition of the boiler and chemical components is estimated at $1064 per kW electric. The specifics of a reaction system design are presented.

Theory Presentations

Toward the end of the 19th century, many physicists believed that all of the principles of physics had been discovered. The accepted principles, now called classical physics, included laws relating to Newton’s mechanics and Maxwell’s Equations. However, some difficult-to-solve and perplexing discoveries caused physicists to abandon the work of physically and mechanistically explaining the workings of nature at the atomic level. Rather they took an easier approach to mathematically systematize observations adopting the philosophy of Ernst Mach, that reality is what is perceived devoid of physical principles. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, an inequality defining the limitations of the existence of physical reality requiring that physical laws such as Maxwell’s equations, Newton’s laws, conservation of energy and angular momentum be not obeyed, replaced the exactness and determinism of classical physics. This approach has led to countless nonsensical consequences that are accepted on faith based purely on mathematics, and has ultimately proved to be a dead-end towards unification of the fundamental forces of nature providing a coherent, predictable understanding of nature. In contrast, Dr. Mills has shown that physical laws that are the foundation of our modern existence can indeed be shown to predict nature on all scales from the building blocks of matter to the scale of the universe itself.

The theory upon which Brilliant Light Power’s technology was developed is the classical laws of physics. The Company recently released the finalized Grand-Unified Theory of Classical Physics that comprehensively addresses many of the basic problems in chemistry and physics using these physical laws without using approximations or pure mathematics, devoid of physics, as is the case for the incumbent atomic theory of quantum mechanics.

The following summary slide shows with animations are available in PDF format. These are large files which may take a while to load.

Atomic Physics

GUT-CP model of the electron and the photon, used to solve atoms and their states and the subsequent closed-form solutions of the fundamental experiments of atomic physics.

Molecular Physics

The solution of the 26 parameters of hydrogen molecular ions and molecules from two basic equations, one to calculate geometric parameters and the other to calculate energies, and the extension of these results to solve the majority of the important functional groups of chemistry that serve as building blocks to give the exact solutions of the majority of possible molecules and compositions of matter.

Collective Phenomena, High Energy Physics & Cosmology

Collective phenomena such as statistical thermodynamics and superconductivity; nuclear physics; cosmological implications such as absolute space; the origin of gravity, particle masses, and large scale dynamics of the universe; and wave-particle duality.

Theory Papers

Total Bond Energies of Exact Classical Solutions of Molecules Generated by Millsian 1.0 Compared to Those Computed Using Modern 3-21G and 6-31G* Basis Sets – R. Mills, B. Holverstott, W. Good, N. Hogle, A. Makwana, Physics Essays, Vol. 23, No. 1, (2010), pp. 153-199.

The energies of exact classical solutions of molecules generated by Millsian 1.0 and those from a modern quantum mechanics-based program, Spartan’s pre-computed database using 3-21G and 6-31G* basis sets at the Hartree-Fock level of theory, were compared to experimental values. The Millsian results were consistently within an average relative deviation of about 0.1% of the experimentally values. In contrast, the 3-21G and 6-31G* results deviated over a wide range of relative error, typically being >30-150% with a large percentage of catastrophic failures, depending on functional group type and basis set.

Millsian 2.0: A Molecular Modeling Software for Structures, Charge Distributions and Energetics of Biomolecules, W. Xie, R.L. Mills, W. Good, A. Makwana, B. Holverstott, N. Hogle, Physics Essays, 24 (2011) pp. 200-212.

In this molecular modeling paper, we provide the methods and algorithms that utilize Mills classical physics atomic and molecular solutions in the molecular modeling software package called Millsian 2.0 designed for modeling the 3D structures, charge distribution, and energetics of biomolecules of pharmaceutical interest. The implementation of Millsian 2.0 was extensively tested against the available experimental data with remarkable agreement between Millsian predictions and experiments.

OH Radical, P. Payne

This report discusses the experimental validity and theoretical foundations for a new model of chemical bonding that Dr. Randell Mills has presented in his monograph, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics, hereafter referenced as GUTCP. The first of two goals is the comparison of calculated molecular properties with publicly available experimental data. The second is to describe the new concepts of chemical bonding in language that will be broadly intelligible to the computational chemistry community. The hydroxyl radical, which is formed by reaction of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, is one of the simplest examples of chemical bonding between unlike atoms. Formation of this radical also entails recoupling of both spin and orbital angular momentum for the oxygen electrons. So although it is a simple example, the system is complex enough to test diverse components of the GUTCP model for molecular electronic structure. The work discussed in this report confirms that the GUTCP correctly calculates the experimental dissociation energy of the hydroxyl radical at 0 degrees Kelvin.