News Posts

SUNCELL® Blowout Power Production in Molten Metal Calorimeter

In addition to highly accurate power balance measurements by the recording the temperature change and water boil off of the water bath calorimeter (August 23rd video), SunCell® power measurements are being performed in molten gallium metal calorimeters.  Rather than a...

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R. Mills and M. Nansteel, "Oxygen and Silver Nanoparticle Aerosol Magnetohydrodynamic Power Cycle" Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 8, Iss. 2, No 216. A novel thermodynamic cycle enables closed liquid magnetohydrodynamic power conversion of thermal...

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Hubble Constant Prediction Confirmed

Hubble Constant Prediction Confirmed: There is currently a second crisis in cosmology. Dr. Mills analytically predicted the first, the acceleration of the expansion of the cosmos and the observed acceleration rate, years before it was observed. Dr. Mills also...

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Flash Boiling Powered by the SunCell®

Pushing the limit of the reactor melting down within seconds from starting with the SunCell® submersed in a room temperature, 120 gallon, vigorously stirred water tank.  A high ignition power was pulsed for 1 second to start a highly energetic reaction.  Trace water...

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